I imagine one of the reasons that no minutes have been posted is the Secretary resigned around June/July and its unclear how long Cal South had the vacancy. There was also some issue with a failed computer, according to the previous minutes.
All I know is the Operational Group works hard and long hours to create a State Cup experience that few other State Association members enjoy. Cal South is the class of the US Youth Soccer Association, and its teams receive substantial subsidies to attend Regionals, Nationals, and ODP, whereas many other state Associations don't subsidize. Compared to Cal North, Cal South is the best thing since sliced bread.
Just like almost every other non-profit with a diverse geographic draw, Cal South has its issues and challenges. Some of its board members dislike the other board members, each have their special interests/projects, etc. The Board has traditionally been the biggest impediment because the board members want to micro-manage decisions. Its not really the fault of the Cal South day-to-day employees, but the Districts within Cal South that keep on electing well intentioned soccer loving volunteers with little executive business experience to the positions.
One of the things we all need to understand is Cal South exists as a State Association of U.S. Youth Soccer and operates under the mandates of USYS. Its members (Affiliate Members) are the Leagues and Clubs, who elect the Commissioners/Directors. The players/parents are served by Cal South, but don't really have any say on the management of the organization (they are all non-voting members (Associate Members). If you have a problem with Cal South, you should be looking at your Club and saying "what are you doing about this?"