I'm so happy that you are out there looking out for us black folks. I suppose since you are in such lock step solidarity with us, I'll let it slide that the majority of poverty stricken black Americans reside in Liberal strongholds. Keep telling us to wait for you and the government to lift us up out of poverty , provide me opportunity. Fool me once, fool me twice...well, keep fooling me - I'll keep voting for you. Right?
So please, put down your magat shield, put on your "I'm here to help you black person" cape, float into Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago, and help us. I can't wait. Please focus on Baltimore, they've had since 1967 to figure things out. Maybe take your playbook there and see if they will listen to you. I am hopeful for the future. The incoming administration has a wonderful track record of lifting up poor black folk. I mean, when a white guy tells you that you ain't black if you don't vote for him..that's serious stuff and proves that he's looking out..
I'm excited!!