President Joe Biden

After watching Biden with Lester Holt, it's evident all he can do is remember the "threat to democracy"... "he's a felon"... "I got more done as President" rhetoric they've been handing him on flash cards for the last 3 years. And if you ask him direct questions, like Lester did, Joe gets mad and starts making it significantly worse."
Grumpy Old Man. The Dem's only platform issues are "Threat to Democracy" and abortion. They have climate change but that's only a priority to baristas. So they can't take down the temperature of the rhetoric since "orange man bad" is the cornerstone of their campaign.
It's crazy how the script has flipped in the last 6 months or so.

The Republicans were in disarray, the claims were that Trump would never give up power and was only in it for himself.

Now the Dems are in complete disarray, Biden refuses to give up power despite Dem leadership wanting him out, and Biden is clearly in it for himself and his family, instead of for the good of his party. The Republicans are unified and Trump could be retired on the beach instead of being the target of assassination attempts by nutjobs and foreign countries.
It's crazy how the script has flipped in the last 6 months or so.

The Republicans were in disarray, the claims were that Trump would never give up power and was only in it for himself.

Now the Dems are in complete disarray, Biden refuses to give up power despite Dem leadership wanting him out, and Biden is clearly in it for himself and his family, instead of for the good of his party. The Republicans are unified and Trump could be retired on the beach instead of being the target of assassination attempts by nutjobs and foreign countries.
From The Free Press

If any Democrats thought Joe Biden was their only problem, a new poll from NBC makes for a sobering read. It finds that the popularity of the Democratic Party has taken a dive and now matches its all-time low in the three-decade history of the survey. The party is the most unpopular figure or institution in the poll. (NBC)
My favorite part of last night's RNC was Dr. Breakfast Tacos getting her dick knocked in the dirt by Sarah.

Havent been a fan of hers, but she nailed it last night. Even some CNN pundits complimented her. DeSantis was his typical "try too hard" self. Haley did a good job with Trumps foreign policy achievements.. But the runaway winner of the night was the woman whose military son was killed in NY.
Listen to this whaco bird.

Fauxahontas and the libtards always have abortion as their first concern. Why is that? And I find it hilarious SpongeBob's grandma talks about JD Vance's switch on his position about Trump. Seems she did the same thing with Biden in 2020... though she was right for the first time ever.

Havent been a fan of hers, but she nailed it last night. Even some CNN pundits complimented her. DeSantis was his typical "try too hard" self. Haley did a good job with Trumps foreign policy achievements.. But the runaway winner of the night was the woman whose military son was killed in NY.
I don't take her that seriously, either. Howard Stern has an impersonator that is so good that's all I hear when I see her.

Yeah... that mother was very compelling.
Well, there was this --

“I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler".
Yeah... then there was this --

“But, look, my view on Donald Trump — I have been very clear on this — is, look, I was wrong about him. I didn’t think he was going to be a good president, Dana, and I was very, very proud to be proven wrong. It’s one of the reasons why I’m working so hard to get him elected,” he replied on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Well, there was this --

“I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler".
2016? I remember 2016. In 2016 I had immeasurably more trust in MSM, the FBI, the CIA, and the CDC. I didn't vote for Trump and didn't again in 2020. Then I became better educated. Some people can adjust to new information, and some just appear unwilling or incapable.
Well, there was this --

“I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler".
2016 loser. The media put a full press attack on brainwashed sheep like you. What a POS!! Plus, JD is now helping others change their stupid thoughts on America's Hitler. Trump is an American Hero.
More from The Free Press

I have a few of the highlights below, but the full post is a great read.

Martin Gurri, a columnist for Discourse and author of The Revolt of the Public, is one of the most incisive explainers of our age. The former CIA analyst predicted the rise of Trump, Brexit, and BLM. And now, in his latest column for The Free Press, he predicts that Biden’s fate is sealed. “Failure, this time, will be fixed and final, like destiny itself.”

The campaign against Trump set a pattern that would continue for years. First, Biden was to be swaddled in the political equivalent of bubble wrap. He ran for the presidency of the United States from the basement of his home in Delaware. Why not? It was a time of pandemic. Second, a magnificent replica of Biden was erected by the establishment with the full complicity of the media, and it replaced, in the information sphere, the increasingly feeble, always spiteful, intellectually muddled real man. Third, a ring of iron was placed around the candidate to prevent public access. Biden’s appearances were carefully staged in the true sense of the word: they avoided reality and promoted a fictional character.

The establishment was in control and it knew what it was doing. Trump went down in defeat. The curtain rose on that extraordinary era of magical realism in American life, known prosaically as the Biden administration.


Biden’s actual appearances generated uncertainty and unease, but these were carefully staged and kept to a minimum. Here was the truth of the matter: Bidenworld functioned better without Biden. He was, in fact, its greatest obstacle, and would turn out to be the instrument of its destruction.


But last month’s presidential debate unmasked the fraud. While Biden gargled and mumbled, a ripping noise could be heard by those who listened closely, a sound like the rending of a veil, the replica vanished like a ghost and 100 million Americans could suddenly behold the cruel struggles of a man tormented by a dying body and a dying mind. The shock of what we saw still lingers, not because it was surprising but rather because it was so predictable and consistent with what we already knew: it was truth, and we have grown used to lies. We had witnessed, in real time, the unraveling of a colossal fraud and the end of Biden’s political life.


Biden may well be done, but what happens next is uncertain. If indeed he goes and the hierarchy holds, then Kamala Harris, the sitting vice president, will replace Biden at the top of the ticket. Harris carries her own burden of weirdness but at least can be trusted not to drool in front of the cameras. The establishment, however, may not survive the public unmasking of its prurient fantasies. The magic has been lost, and with it the authority to anoint the next chieftain. The Democratic Party, long held together by its collective will to power, may shatter from a clash of personal ambitions. They need only peek across the aisle at the Republicans to learn what this looks like. That would be the strongest argument for keeping the president as a sacrificial offering in November.
Joe has Covid, oh dear God. Trump was almost killed by a lone wolf patsy now our CIC is sick with Covid. If we truly had enemies like these assholes have said, we would be toast. Let's pray for Joesph Biden and hope for a speedy recovery. He has breathing issues and has cancelled his trip to Vegas. Kamala is now in charge.
More from The Free Press

I have a few of the highlights below, but the full post is a great read.

Martin Gurri, a columnist for Discourse and author of The Revolt of the Public, is one of the most incisive explainers of our age. The former CIA analyst predicted the rise of Trump, Brexit, and BLM. And now, in his latest column for The Free Press, he predicts that Biden’s fate is sealed. “Failure, this time, will be fixed and final, like destiny itself.”

The campaign against Trump set a pattern that would continue for years. First, Biden was to be swaddled in the political equivalent of bubble wrap. He ran for the presidency of the United States from the basement of his home in Delaware. Why not? It was a time of pandemic. Second, a magnificent replica of Biden was erected by the establishment with the full complicity of the media, and it replaced, in the information sphere, the increasingly feeble, always spiteful, intellectually muddled real man. Third, a ring of iron was placed around the candidate to prevent public access. Biden’s appearances were carefully staged in the true sense of the word: they avoided reality and promoted a fictional character.

The establishment was in control and it knew what it was doing. Trump went down in defeat. The curtain rose on that extraordinary era of magical realism in American life, known prosaically as the Biden administration.


Biden’s actual appearances generated uncertainty and unease, but these were carefully staged and kept to a minimum. Here was the truth of the matter: Bidenworld functioned better without Biden. He was, in fact, its greatest obstacle, and would turn out to be the instrument of its destruction.


But last month’s presidential debate unmasked the fraud. While Biden gargled and mumbled, a ripping noise could be heard by those who listened closely, a sound like the rending of a veil, the replica vanished like a ghost and 100 million Americans could suddenly behold the cruel struggles of a man tormented by a dying body and a dying mind. The shock of what we saw still lingers, not because it was surprising but rather because it was so predictable and consistent with what we already knew: it was truth, and we have grown used to lies. We had witnessed, in real time, the unraveling of a colossal fraud and the end of Biden’s political life.


Biden may well be done, but what happens next is uncertain. If indeed he goes and the hierarchy holds, then Kamala Harris, the sitting vice president, will replace Biden at the top of the ticket. Harris carries her own burden of weirdness but at least can be trusted not to drool in front of the cameras. The establishment, however, may not survive the public unmasking of its prurient fantasies. The magic has been lost, and with it the authority to anoint the next chieftain. The Democratic Party, long held together by its collective will to power, may shatter from a clash of personal ambitions. They need only peek across the aisle at the Republicans to learn what this looks like. That would be the strongest argument for keeping the president as a sacrificial offering in November.
Interesting. It's still hard for me to believe the DNC handled this so poorly. I completely buy into them propping Joe up in 2020... despite him already being a dishonest, 2 time loser. Bernie and Bootygig had a lot of momentum but they were brought into the basement and asked to take a dive for the party. Fauxahontas isn't presidential. The cardigans and shaking mannerism was a deal breaker. The ironic part of this is, in my opinion, Joe is actually a more electable option than Harris. She was hated in 2020 and done nothing to change that as VP. If anything, she's more unlikable.