You seem to be a reasonable person who understands nuance. Unfortunately the extremist on both sides use the scorched earth method.It is certainly nuanced, examples being an abortion to save the mother's life or in cases of rape. I'm not an abortion free for all advocate, but I also don't believe that I can choose what someone else's wife, mother, daughter can do against their will, in this instance.
For example, being irresponsible one night shouldn't give you the right to change your mind 24 weeks later. Some would argue sooner. For the sake of biology and medicine, 24 weeks is a good measure.
The other extreme side is the 100% ban. Medically speaking, there are always going to be decisions that have to be made for the sake of a patient. I will say, the instances cited by the extreme left as a reason for a free for all advocacy are in the small margins.
It's an emotional topic, usually driven by people who are more ideologically driven.