
Sure seems like Trump is a bit slow at catching on... but boy is he giving the opposition lots to mobilize and and fundraise off of his unilateral moves. First the women's march and now he's bringing them out again with the women's march. But of course after 8 years of watching Republican's perfect the art of being the minority party, I can't feel to bad.

President Trump’s First Defeat
The immigration order creates an international mess—and a political embarrassment.

“It’s working out very nicely,” President Donald Trump said on Saturday afternoon as he signed his latest batch of executive actions. “You see it in the airports.”

It was the usual confident swagger from a man accustomed to getting his way. But by then, a revolt against the president’s immigration order was already brewing, led by refugee rights groups, the American Civil Liberties Union, Democrats and liberals on social media, who had woken up to reports suggesting it was not working out very nicely at all. By 7:30 in the evening, protests at major airports across the United States had swollen, a federal judge was hearing a legal challenge, and cable news networks—with one notable exception—were covering the stunning events live. Passions ran so high that New Yorkers, many joked, were actually volunteering to go to JFK Airport to show solidarity with those detained by bewildered immigration officials.

Was this what Trump had in mind?
Many of the poorly written executive orders are gone or going soon.
Thats the thing about executive orders. The next "executive" can un- order them.

Actually many of the poorly written executive orders are going to get shut down by the courts and the legislature long before that. Unfortunately for him and you, the founding Father's set up a system of checks and balances. Sorta like when Obama came to Washington with his team from Chicago... Trump is going to have to start moving more experienced players onto his team or risk defeat after defeat because he doesn't seem to have anyone on his staff capable of writing executive orders that the courts will accept.
Sure seems like Trump is a bit slow at catching on... but boy is he giving the opposition lots to mobilize and and fundraise off of his unilateral moves. First the women's march and now he's bringing them out again with the women's march. But of course after 8 years of watching Republican's perfect the art of being the minority party, I can't feel to bad.
Which women's march?
Actually many of the poorly written executive orders are going to get shut down by the courts and the legislature long before that. Unfortunately for him and you, the founding Father's set up a system of checks and balances. Sorta like when Obama came to Washington with his team from Chicago... Trump is going to have to start moving more experienced players onto his team or risk defeat after defeat because he doesn't seem to have anyone on his staff capable of writing executive orders that the courts will accept.
Are you suggesting that this executive cannot undo the prior executive's poorly written executive orders?
Are you suggesting that this executive cannot undo the prior executive's poorly written executive orders?

I'm suggesting that if the court says Trumps executive orders can't be justified in court, or they overstep his authority, then they will be put in the trashcan long before the next president arrives...

That all the sound and fury coming out of the current Whitehouse doesn't amount to much... because at this point, Trumps team doesn't seem capable of writing executive orders that are legal.
I'm suggesting that if the court says Trumps executive orders that can't be justified in court, or they overstep his authority, then they will be put in the trashcan long before the next president arrives...
Keep me posted.
Meanwhile, the prior executive's poorly written executive orders will be, or already are, history.
Still whining about Obamacare?..
Not really. I think the eurozone has a great system for their individual country populations which is no greater then 25 percent (Germany) of the U.S. population. The physician/population ratio is marginally higher in each eurozone country except Cyprus and Poland. The laws of supply and demand can't be ignored if price or cost is what you're trying to contain. What kind of objective data do you want to apply to support better quality healthcare in the eurozone? Life expectancy, child mortality?
Not really. I think the eurozone has a great system for their individual country populations which is no greater then 25 percent (Germany) of the U.S. population. The physician/population ratio is marginally higher in each eurozone country except Cyprus and Poland. The laws of supply and demand can't be ignored if price or cost is what you're trying to contain. What kind of objective data do you want to apply to support better quality healthcare in the eurozone? Life expectancy, child mortality?

So nothing on Republican's plan to replace Obamacare? Guess the masters must still be hiding in that smoky room figuring it out.
I guess women are still trying to figure out which rights or preferences they've lost. Title 9?

Actually my guess is Republican's don't really want to see abortion repealed. It would result in a huge loss in fundraising dollars to their political action committees. It would be disastrous for them to lose such a potent wedge issue. I mean what else are they going to run on... slashing healthcare costs so they can give the rich more tax cuts?

I just hope some of you sheeple don't act surprised when you see just enough Republican's jump ship to prevent the outlawing of abortion.
Yes I suppose if I were in your guys position of feeling like I had to support Trump; I'd be calling names, complaining about unfair news reporting and doing everything I could to have to avoid actually discussing what a disaster he was too. Lol... yawls hatred is like music to my ears.

Anyway, after Trump crashes the economy and the housing markets look me up. I'm not bitter toward you guys, and would be happy to give you a few bucks to mow my lawn and do some side work at the house.
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the minority gay bitch and his stupid comments, don't forget we are happy as pigs in shit over here on the right.