
You pay for those who aren't covered anyway, through medicaid programs.
Right. So "we had to pass it to see what's in it" and now that we know that ACA was just a redundant program we should get rid of it?
So you're considered brave and "taking on" something by simply spreading lies?
They all seem to want to go back in time to when the white male was king and ruler ('50's? early 60's?) . . . they just can't understand why no one else does. Women don't, minorities don't, gays don't . . .
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.
Hey LE, good morning! Have you noticed that you and some of the others that you agree with keep hanging on to a small hand full of Obama falsehoods to cover up for an ever growing mountain of such?
Everybody hear why the Judge stayed Trumps Immigration Ban? Really you can't make some of up...

Judge Blocks Part of Trump’s Immigration Ban After His Own Lawyers Can’t Justify It

Donnelly pressed the government on how it could claim those already vetted and now suddenly rejected by the United States wouldn’t suffer “irreparable harm” if they “were sent back to some of the most dangerous places on earth.”

That’s not a trick question, but one part of the four-part balancing act a judge must use to decide on a request to halt such an order. Again, the government’s lawyers didn’t even attempt a real answer, just went on for a bit about how many different people with different circumstances would be affected in many different ways by the order.

Asked how many people had been detained, Riley said: “The government does not have sufficient information to answer.”

Donnelly had heard enough.

“That’s exactly why I’m going to grant” the ACLU’s request, she ruled at about 9 p.m.—with perhaps 20 minutes to spare for the unknown Syrian.
Good grief you are a crazy, minority, gay bitch.

Yes I suppose if I were in your guys position of feeling like I had to support Trump; I'd be calling names, complaining about unfair news reporting and doing everything I could to have to avoid actually discussing what a disaster he was too. Lol... yawls hatred is like music to my ears.

Anyway, after Trump crashes the economy and the housing markets look me up. I'm not bitter toward you guys, and would be happy to give you a few bucks to mow my lawn and do some side work at the house.
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan...
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Still whining about Obamacare? Guess that means we're all still locked out of discussions on what the Republican alternative will be while the Republican bosses over in Washington figure it out in some smokey room how to make America Great again...
His supporters support him because he's the only guy in eons with a set of balls big enough to take on washington, and their tools in the lapdog media..

Yes, and with Putins help and lots of poorly written executive orders I think he might just do it. When you wish upon a star, makes no difference where you are...
Yes, and with Putins help and lots of poorly written executive orders I think he might just do it. When you wish upon a star, makes no difference where you are...
Many of the poorly written executive orders are gone or going soon.
Thats the thing about executive orders. The next "executive" can un- order them.