Bruddah IZ
Woe there gramps, do you have a man crush on booty?
You alright Mr Etrolla? You know booty is a little bitch, just like you.
Cheer up, at least he isn't Hillary.
Is booty an 8 year old? I know you are not.Picking on 8-year-olds is a new low for you.
Please continue.
Like I've said before you're a shit stain on humanity.Get a grip, booty. Don't be jealous, you are the OS, original snowflake.
Like I've said before you're a shit stain on humanity.
And Lion and Bruddah that goes for you 2 as well for siding with him on this. Keep watching Fox News you bunch of shit stains.
Siding on what? You are a nut.Like I've said before you're a shit stain on humanity.
And Lion and Bruddah that goes for you 2 as well for siding with him on this. Keep watching Fox News you bunch of shit stains.
I think he is trying to say I said something bad about an 8 yr old autistic kid, which I did not.Did some Democrat take Booties nipple away...?
What does that have to do with me, booty?Any lessons learned Shit Stains? Conservatives biggest weakness is lack of introspection.
Bruce apologized on "America's Newsroom" on Fox on Tuesday.
“I am so sorry to the family. My intention was never to hurt a kid and his mom. We had absolutely no idea that Michael was on the autism spectrum," she said.
"And as a gay woman and feminist, I have spent most of my adult life working to improve the lives of women and children and those who are disenfranchised," she continued.
"I get it and I apologize. … A main lesson here, no matter intent, is to leave kids out of our political discussions. We certainly agree on this.”
What the fuck are you talking about?Like I've said before you're a shit stain on humanity.
And Lion and Bruddah that goes for you 2 as well for siding with him on this. Keep watching Fox News you bunch of shit stains.
What the fuck are you talking about?
You are talking out your ass...
Shit stain on humanity...fuck you!
The NFL has been feminized, and now it will be sacrificed in much the same way, women were tossed into live volcanoes to pay the toll, or Pele's mordida. (allegedly)OMG!
First Woman in 30 Years to Call Play-By-Play Coming to the NFL
What is the world coming to?
First they let women reporters into the locker room, then they have women reporters on the sideline, then they have a woman referee, then a woman coach and now a woman calling play by play.
The world is going to hell in a hand basket and we are worried about a legal conversation between trump and a ruskie.