
San Diego restaurants that started adding a 3% "Government Mandated Surcharge" to customer bills on Jan 1 are being investigated by the District Attorney.
What I continue to ponder and be perplexed by is how quickly so called "conservatives" went from "patriotic" to sympathetic to Putin and more trusting of Assange (an anti-American over our intelligence agencies, many of whom were put in peril due to Assange's actions.

The 1% again win the long game. Us proletariat argue nonsense politics while the truly rich could care less who is in office as long as they play ball.
The 1% again win the long game. Us proletariat argue nonsense politics while the truly rich could care less who is in office as long as they play ball.
The "Great Recession" didn't really hurt them at all did it? Came out smelling like a rose once again. They are insulated, with a thumb on the scales.
The "Great Recession" didn't really hurt them at all did it? Came out smelling like a rose once again. They are insulated, with a thumb on the scales.
Barack Obama’s Net Worth: How Much Has It Grown in the Last 8 Years?

Being the President of the United States of America is obviously one of the toughest jobs in the world. The amount of responsibility that is entrusted with it is incalculable. President Obama has shouldered this responsibility for the last eight years. With Michelle Obama backing him up, he has led the country from the front. We are sure there are historians out there getting ready with their pen and paper to pass judgment on him when he steps down from the post. Meanwhile, people are curious to know what is Barack Obama’s net worth? People want to know how much has his net worth increased in the eight years he has been President. Read on to find out.

Best of Both Worlds
Currently Obama’s net worth is $12.2 million. People are wondering why Obama’s net worth has increased in the eight years that he has been President. After all, he has only been paid a $400,000 annual salary since he took over in 2008. When he became President in 2007, his net worth was only $1.3 million. So, what explains this huge increase? The thing to consider is that Obama has several sources of wealth, not just his President’s salary. Before Obama became President, he was actually drawing two salaries. One as a Senator of Illinois and another for teaching as a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School. He was earning $80,287 and $32,144 respectively from these two jobs and for both jobs, he has a retirement plan for $100,000.
Lol, like a broken record... It must make it easier for you to sleep at night knowing you can blame all our problems on an evil "Fed" and money supply issues...

He has often issued the fossil fuel challenge. So - maybe he can stop using Federal Reserve fuel.
He has often issued the fossil fuel challenge. So - maybe he can stop using Federal Reserve fuel.
A large part of my driving in Aotearoa was veggie oil. My brother in law converted his and mumʻs car to veggie oil. .25 Cents a litre beats petrol at $2.10 NZ a litre any day. So yeah, I did stop using both fuels for 21 days. Any of you alarmist ever do that?