
That was the Democrats in Congress, you know Fannie & Freddie.
Y'all remember those video's of Pelosi and Frank et.al.


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Let me repost for you e.
I highlighted where the info came from.

"President Obama’s “new normal” economy comprises slow GDP growth, a stagnant jobs market, and falling real household incomes". Forbes Magazine
Seattle gives voters $100 of their own money back in “democracy vouchers”

“There’s a sucker born every minute,” P.T. Barnum once observed, but the rate may be considerably higher in Seattle. Yesterday the city began distributing “democracy vouchers” to voters in the city, $100 each in coupons of $25 to donate to qualified candidates running for city offices. Sounds good, right? It’s free money! Well, no, it’s not — except for the politicians who get more coin in their coffers as a result. Seattle’s CBS affiliate KIRO-TV covered the launch:
Let me repost for you e.
I highlighted where the info came from.

"President Obama’s “new normal” economy comprises slow GDP growth, a stagnant jobs market, and falling real household incomes". Forbes Magazine
All in his lap eh? Attempts are always made to spread the blame to everyone around at the time in regards to going into Iraq (or was it all Hillary's fault for casting one vote for it?)

. . . and what did he do to cause the problem and what should have he done to fix it?
All in his lap eh? Attempts are always made to spread the blame to everyone around at the time in regards to going into Iraq (or was it all Hillary's fault for casting one vote for it?)

. . . and what did he do to cause the problem and what should have he done to fix it?

You would first have to accept Forbes's assessment as true, to care...
What I continue to ponder and be perplexed by is how quickly so called "conservatives" went from "patriotic" to sympathetic to Putin and more trusting of Assange (an anti-American over our intelligence agencies, many of whom were put in peril due to Assange's actions.