Sheriff Joe
What does robust mean?We have a robust immigration and refugee system, so why do you keep insisting we don't?
What does robust mean?We have a robust immigration and refugee system, so why do you keep insisting we don't?
What does robust mean?
I know what it means, I wasn't sure you did. You think that description in accurate? We have no idea who comes across our borders or who these refugees are, hardly strong, solid or·bust
Not really a secret code word, just spoke to people in ways that would appeal to racists, just like Trump does.
Do you understand the context in which States Rights was used, in the example I posted? The "State", refused to investigate or prosecute the Civil Rights workers murders. The Feds had to take it over and so when Reagan spoke to the townsfolk in Mississippi about States Rights, he was talking to a town that condoned the murders and were pissed the Federal Gov. had made them answer for their crimes. States Rights are fine, until the State goes mad...
Why is the statist left always saying its "broken"?ro·bust
You really are sick.....
I know what it means, I wasn't sure you did. You think that description in accurate? We have no idea who comes across our borders or who these refugees are, hardly strong, solid or hardy.
I know what it means, I wasn't sure you did. You think that description in accurate? We have no idea who comes across our borders or who these refugees are, hardly strong, solid or hardy.
From you, a badge of honor!
Resume PROPER Vetting of Immigrants.
Illegal immigration is the biggest portion of immigration under this president so I don't know why you are trying to separate the two.I was speaking of our system of immigration and refugees, not our borders. Border security is a different topic. People like you worry about our Southern border way too much. Anyone who wants to do us harm doesn't have to come across our Southern border.
REALLY?We do idiot.
Illegal immigration is the biggest portion of immigration under this president so I don't know why you are trying to separate the two.
People like me don't want people like you letting people like them in our country that want to do us harm. Pretty Fucking simple.
You think more people come here legally than illegally?Do you ever tire of being so damn wrong???
According to governmental data, the Obama administration has deported more people than any other president's administration in history.
In fact, they have deported more than the sum of all the presidents of the 20th century.
You think more people come here legally than illegally?
We do idiot.
Ummm......No we don't.
Is ID out along the border ? No.
Is the Border Patrol free to do their job ? No.
Are all the Police Depts free to arrest criminal Immigrants ? No.
Is Mayor Garcetti a freakin Idiot ? Yes.
Proper vetting and properly operating the borders would have probably created a different scenario on Nov 8th 2016.....
But the Man Child had a different game plan and it was not in Americas best interest, thus a Donald Trump landslide.
You're blaming your hallucinations on me?
Did you suffer head drama serving as a tail gunner on a target drone at the Pacific Missile Range?
From November 8th on for some, or everyday before for others. You pick.Do you ever tire of being so damn wrong???
I think you've been a splitfire for him.Ok, you're just too dumb to continue a discussion with, I mean fuck, how do you get through the day???