Player Development vs Super Team Chasing?

@Luis Andres

Parent Justus is describing sounds like that female dog recording the removed game you posted. Who was that anyways?

The way this thread is getting views and scrutinized by so many I’m not about to throw anybody under the bus and get in trouble for it. I learned my lesson. Trust me, If I were to say anything... I’d have my head on the chopping board next week so I can’t answer that question.
There you go @Fact go check your last 160 posts. You gonna need to open up your wallet now and pay your dues to Dominic to get rid of all the dumb ratings. I don’t mess with you but if you want war. It’s on
The fact that you give a damn about ratings proves my point that you are a complete dbag. Finish 93 posts of mine to rate as dumb, go for it loser but shouldn’t you be using that time to bag on 8 year olds. LOL

I just signed in cause I figured out the difference btw you and @Justus. EJ is upset because he sees the inherent unfairness in the system and wants a level playing field for every kiddo. He just cannot accept that life is unfair and sometimes takes his anger out on innocent parents. He has his heart in the right place thou l.

You on the other hand think it is unfair that your child prodigy has to waste her time with kiddos beneath your standard. You spend all your time on this board in an attempt justify bullying 8
year old little girls. You’ll never learn cause your vindictive as proved by hunting down 93 of my posts, a person you don’t even know. I live in your head. LOL
Ok so I think all of you are overthinking this thread. Every kiddo is different. Some kids are happy to make an Allstate team with their friends and ride the pine. Others will be discouraged and quit if they are not the center of the team.

I always tried to find a team were my kiddos were starters but not the best player on the team. This way they could grow with the better players yet retain a level of self esteem. Of course, this was not always possible because you also have to take into consideration the club, coach and other players/parents, plus distance you’re willing to travel and training schedules that work for your family; not an easy thing to juggle for most families.

If I had the chance to do it over, I would mix it up for my kiddos. Now there are so many more options like Futsal. I would probably have a mix of teams and levels for my kiddos. Maybe a Futsal team where they are one of the better players, maybe indoor with school friends and maybe a club team where they are the 8-10th player. Of course like I said above it depends on the kiddo and this also changes with age. One of my ds grew more from playing with his friends on a middle of the road team during his younger years. We had tried playing him on his older brother’s team where he was good enough to start but he shut down since none of the boys were his friends.

So I guess I am saying, take cues from your child.
I should add congrats @Night Owl. I could not have said it better myself. It takes a special person to navigate the political Soccer land mines and come out on the other end intact. Wishing your son the best in D1. Please keep us updated, not enough parent of boys on the college thread.
Regarding player development
The fact that you give a damn about ratings proves my point that you are a complete dbag. Finish 93 posts of mine to rate as dumb, go for it loser but shouldn’t you be using that time to bag on 8 year olds. LOL

I just signed in cause I figured out the difference btw you and @Justus. EJ is upset because he sees the inherent unfairness in the system and wants a level playing field for every kiddo. He just cannot accept that life is unfair and sometimes takes his anger out on innocent parents. He has his heart in the right place thou l.

You on the other hand think it is unfair that your child prodigy has to waste her time with kiddos beneath your standard. You spend all your time on this board in an attempt justify bullying 8
year old little girls. You’ll never learn cause your vindictive as proved by hunting down 93 of my posts, a person you don’t even know. I live in your head. LOL

Ahh no sorry dude. The reason why I did it was because you went to all my posts outside this thread and rated them dumb. Maybe I’m living in your head. I have never lashed at you before you lashing at me. Who’s EJ? You referring to @Justus ? And no it’s not about my DD versus her teammates or any other player her age. My complain comes from the mere fact that most people think that the coach is gonna magically develop individual players without them doing the little things that make them technical players outside of practice. Player development needs to come from the player itself then it comes down to the coach teaching them how to play the game as a unit. How can a coach develop players that are not working to be more technical outside of practice? If this the current model that we follow in America then there you have it. That’s why the US cannot produce a star soccer player because everyone is under the impression that the coach will somehow whip out the magic wand and make you a more technical player.

The only reason why my DD is where she is at today with her progress in soccer is because from the get go I’ve made sure that she is developing the technical aspects of her individual game. First touch, dribbling, proper shot technique, ball control, etc. I never thought it was the coach’s job to teach her that with the limited amount of time he had with them weekly. I’ve always believed it was my job to make sure she was developing the technical ability that she would need in order to be successful when her coach would teach her and her teammates proper soccer development. How to play together as a team. I feel that as parents it’s our responsibility to do that for our kids and I would let other parents on the team know why this was important at a young age. Most ignored me and did not listen to me. There was only 1 Father on the team aside from me that believed in this motto and he followed me to all the training sessions that I took my DD to. To make a long story short. My DD and this teammate are the most technical & tactical players on the team to date. Their soccer IQ is above the rest of the other players on the team. They are also the ones that really understand possession soccer best cause they both play up in another hispanic league and have shown to do so with older players. They play and switch off between cm/cb position, they control the middle lane and are the nucleus to the team’s success to being a top 5 team in Cas next to the rest of the teams that have recruited the athletes to get there. All the girls on our team are home grown. No one has been recruited or scouted. The last 2 that joined came because we are the best team in the local area. After all that, the rest of the other girls are finally now doing the little things outside of practice to become more technical. They are a bit behind them but I have faith that they will also take that same jump in their development phase soon. Some faster than others which is normal. Not all players develop at the same rate but for me I’m happy to see them working hard outside of practice to become more technical. That’s just 1/2 of the equation.

The coach is the other half. Having a good coach like the one we have is crucial to their soccer development as a unit. We can have a bunch of technical players but if the coach has the wrong soccer philosophy they are not gonna learn how to play as a unit. It’s the combination of a good coach and the work ethic that the players have outside of practice that will make a home grown team like ours able to compete against the other top teams that have been recruited for their athletic abilities. Now I’m not saying that all our girls are not athletes either, yes we do have a few like my DD who is lightning fast and quick to change her speed for her age and has the stamina of a zebra with that as well and that’s why she is the top player of the team. Because she has the athletic and technical ability combined and the fact I have developed her soccer IQ by going over special scenario and tactics. This is not a secrete, this is how we develop teams and players in South America. Technical ability first then playing together as a team. Which is what the coach teaches them to do. Parents are responsible for developing the technical aspects of their kids at young ages. After they are old enough, you can just hope that they love the sport enough to continue to do it on their own to reach the level of stardom.

Now for all the ones that have their special cases with their children and have their own specific goals for soccer, I’m not hating on you. Remember I said it’s up to you, and your goals of what you want out of the game be it rec or pro development. My DD and I are working towards the latter and that’s why our curriculum sounds a bit extreme for most. But hey, that’s our prerogative. You can’t hate me for wanting and working towards greatness. My family values and principles not yours.
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Ok so it just happened during state cup not throughout the regular season. So it was a one time event I’m assuming? Interesting, so the coach was a female. Maybe she was intimidated by him? That’s what I would think. I understand she may have been overwhelmed by her own personal life but that is no excuse for her to let it happen and not confront him. My two cents. So he was the only one that thought you guys had a chance to advance in the tournament interesting. So what happened after that incident when you saw him again at team practice?
Season was over bro and never saw Louis ever again. I hear his dd is a great player so I'm sure his coaching helped her get better :) Female coach was awesome btw and she deserved the gift we got her. Maybe she knew he was a whacko on meth and just wanted to get through the season alive. We went to heaven with JH for two years. She teaches the young girls to have fun, parties, dances, movies nights, scavenger hunts and yes, win or lose as a team :)
I’m to lazy and don’t care enough to look back to post 1. But what is this thread about again. Now back to my beer. Tonight I’m enjoying a Bells Two Hearted Ale. Yum.
I’m to lazy and don’t care enough to look back to post 1. But what is this thread about again. Now back to my beer. Tonight I’m enjoying a Bells Two Hearted Ale. Yum.

Player development vs super team chasing. Which path and why? User describing why the player development path would develop your child better than the so called super teams that are supposedly just about wins and no development. The status Quo of what most people liked. Post got 10 likes.

Next me coming in and questioning what one may mean by “player development” since it’s being so loosely thrown around as a marketing hype word. Wrote a post that caught the attention of some users that agreed it challenged the status Quo of what most had already agreed on. He even busted out the bowling shoes for me to bowl the strike. Then you came in with sandals instead for me to wear. Funny stuff. End of page 2, beginning of 3.

Then comes fact and it turns into a back and forth argument with drama over 8 year old kids.
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Player development vs super team chasing. Which path and why? User describing why the player development path would develop your child better than the so called super teams that are supposedly just about wins and no development. The status Quo of what most people liked. Post got 10 likes.

Next me coming in and questioning what one may mean by “player development” since it’s being so loosely thrown around as a marketing hype word. Wrote a post that caught the attention of some users that agreed it challenged the status Quo of what most had already agreed on. He even busted out the bowling shoes for me to bowl the strike. Then you came in with sandals instead for me to wear. Funny stuff. Then comes fact and it turns into a back and forth argument with drama. End of page 2 beginning of 3
I should have asked you how old your baby goat is?
Player development vs super team chasing. Which path and why? User describing why the player development path would develop your child better than the so called super teams that are supposedly just about wins and no development. The status Quo of what most people liked. Post got 10 likes.

Next me coming in and questioning what one may mean by “player development” since it’s being so loosely thrown around as a marketing hype word. Wrote a post that caught the attention of some users that agreed it challenged the status Quo of what most had already agreed on. He even busted out the bowling shoes for me to bowl the strike. Then you came in with sandals instead for me to wear. Funny stuff. Then comes fact and it turns into a back and forth argument with drama. End of page 2 beginning of 3
Yes, I recall now. Thanks for the summary. Proceed with the dual.
Ok so I think all of you are overthinking this thread. Every kiddo is different. Some kids are happy to make an Allstate team with their friends and ride the pine. Others will be discouraged and quit if they are not the center of the team.

I always tried to find a team were my kiddos were starters but not the best player on the team. This way they could grow with the better players yet retain a level of self esteem. Of course, this was not always possible because you also have to take into consideration the club, coach and other players/parents, plus distance you’re willing to travel and training schedules that work for your family; not an easy thing to juggle for most families.

If I had the chance to do it over, I would mix it up for my kiddos. Now there are so many more options like Futsal. I would probably have a mix of teams and levels for my kiddos. Maybe a Futsal team where they are one of the better players, maybe indoor with school friends and maybe a club team where they are the 8-10th player. Of course like I said above it depends on the kiddo and this also changes with age. One of my ds grew more from playing with his friends on a middle of the road team during his younger years. We had tried playing him on his older brother’s team where he was good enough to start but he shut down since none of the boys were his friends.

So I guess I am saying, take cues from your child.

Thank you for providing your insight. I can’t hate you but praise you for expressing your thoughts that’s why you get my like.
@Fact I even went ahead and erased all the dumb ratings on posts I’ve never read except for the ones in the Luis Andres thread. I’m not gonna rate a thought of yours I’ve never read. I think it’s just wrong.
No that was the camera man who caught the goal on his phone and was thanking him for it on post.
So Luis, I first want to say your dd is a great player. She likes to pass which is not always happening at this age and it's obvious you have a deep passion for the game to be played the right way. OLE is where? Has she (you) been approached to go to DA Girls Club yet?
So Luis, I first want to say your dd is a great player. She likes to pass which is not always happening at this age and it's obvious you have a deep passion for the game to be played the right way. OLE is where? Has she (you) been approached to go to DA Girls Club yet?

Ole yes they have a great development program for the young ages but they don’t usually keep teams past u11/u12. 9 years old is still too young for DA. However she has been scouted at tournaments by big clubs that have taken our information and that have a DA program. When the time is right to move on from the club we will look at the options and talk to the clubs that have expressed interest in her and see if DA is the right option for her. To be honest I wouldn’t mind her playing with boys either if that makes sense at the time. To me some of the top boys teams I’ve seen play much better possession soccer than girl teams do.
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Ole yes they have a great development program for the young ages but they don’t usually keep teams past u11. 9 years old is still too young for DA. However she has been scouted at tournaments by big clubs that have taken our information and that have a DA program. When the time is right to move on from the club we will look at the options and talk to the clubs that have expressed interest in her and see if DA is the right option for her. To be honest I wouldn’t mind her playing with boys either if that makes sense at the time. To me some of the top boys teams I’ve seen play much better possession soccer than girl teams do.
It would be interesting to hear the recruiting stories you come across from the DA clubs. Anyone offer Full Ride yet? I only say that because I see your baby goat with higher than average talent at the U10 level. Reminds me OM who is Pro now at 14. Is OLE in LA? I tried to get my dd to dream about playing on a boys team when she was 10. My dd flat out said no and told me to my face to get rid of that crazy idea now!!!! Lastly, my dd went the possession soccer route for two years and it was fun but when we played fast, physical and strong opponents the possession broke down and we had to fight for survival. The point I'm making is after the pre-teen and HS years, the college game will bite many of the players parents in the buttocks who think fast, physical and strong is not important anymore and only learning the true tactical, developmental part of the soccer game is what matters now. Let me to you Luis, I watched many games in college this year and if you don't care about bringing Ganas to the game, you will lose and wonder what the hell is happening. These girls at AZ, Pep, WA, Fullerton, Long Beach St, UCI have a fire that is missing at my beloved UCLA. Good luck Luis on this journey. Be careful out there and If I can be of any service, please don't hesitate to PM.