Wrong, that's part of the problem. If you put your kid on a team, you should trust the coach and let them coach. When they are at home, or otherwise away from the coach, you can ban phones and fortnite.
Nah, gonna have to disagree. When he’s playing lethargic, I’m gonna say, “Come on, pick it up.” If somebody has a problem with me saying that, they can kiss my ass.
Enough with this groupthink BS already. I don’t really care what people say. Plenty of people have gotten pissed at my boy for running kids over cleanly. Plenty of people have cursed him out for popping kids and stripping them of the ball. Unless they start throwing punches at me or him, I don’t give a shit what they say.
There are way too many thin-skinned and deluded people of all types—players, parents, coaches, refs. There are so many shitty coaches, their players have no technique, no idea how to keep their shape or when to break shape, no idea when to press or when to play positionally. I can’t sit here and blast a dad who knows the game for telling his son what to do when the kid is confused and the coach is sub AYSO level. What I’ve seen is, when a coach is really good, and is vocal about coaching the team, parents shut up. When the coach sits there doing nothing while his team falls apart, parents start yelling. And of course you have the crazy parents.
And there are so many shitty refs out there, they get so pissed off when people point out their blown calls, they rant and rave about crazy parents always arguing with them. Yea, certainly it could be the crazy parents, but it seems to me that there are certain refs, they are always blowing calls, getting mad when called on it, and those refs give out punishment calls to get revenge against the parents who pissed them off, causing a further round of escalations. At the end of the day, you have to respect the refs decision no matter how bad it was, but am I gonna just blast the parents and put shit refs on a pedestal? To hell with that. I have no sympathy for shitty refs getting their feelings hurt because they’re getting yelled at by pissed off parents.
Everyone in this game needs to just a develop a thicker skin and better understanding of the rules of this game and how it’s played. But that will never happen. So I’m gonna do whatever I want using my best judgment, and completely ignore all the idiots out there, which has worked great for me so far.