WATCH: Lesbian Booted From LGBTQ Commission: Trans Movement Hurts Girls And Women
"I believe that people should have these conversations and say things that matter without fear of punishment."
Ashley L. Duffus/Getty
Amanda Prestigiacomo
February 13, 2019
Julia Beck, a lesbian activist who was booted from an LGBTQ commission started by Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, expressed her concerns about the transgender movement's harmful effects on women and girls during an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday night.
Daily Wire TV
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Beck was thrown off the commission in October after identifying a transgender rapist as male, his correct biological sex, though he "identifies" as a woman.
"I believe in the truth," Beck told Carlson, as
reported by The Daily Caller. "I believe that people should have these conversations and say things that matter without fear of punishment."
"I couldn't agree with you more, and I'm grateful that you have that attitude," responded the Fox host. "But why do you think it was important to say this, specifically?"
"Well, when we get down to it, women and girls all share a biological reality," explained the activist. "We are all female. But if any man, if any male person can call himself a woman, or be legally identified as female, then predatory men will do so in order to gain access to women’s single-sex spaces, and this puts every woman and girl at risk."
Carlson noted that his "instinct" has always been that transgender activists' agenda "is not going to be good for girls in the long run."
"I absolutely agree," Beck responded, adding, "In many states, men can legally identify themselves as female and gain access to women's single-sex spaces, and sports is just one institution where men are taking titles, scholarships, and this is a problem."
Beck also noted that women who dare to speak out about the harmful repercussions of radical transgender activism are effectively "silenced" and removed from spaces which were intended for women.
The Fox host then asked Beck if she found it hard to advocate for biological truth and the protections of women and girls when she, an open lesbian, belongs to the LGBT acronym, which notably includes T for transgender.
"The letters in the acronym share, um, not much. The L, G, and B, are based on sexuality, sex, biological reality, but the T is based on gender identity, which is not based in biological reality. In fact, I would argue it is opposed to biological reality," answered Beck. "The LGB is very different from the T, and I don’t think it is fair to lump us all into the same acronym."
Beck told Carlson that when she was booted from the LGBTQ Commission, she was told that "science had progressed so far that sex was unimportant."
In December, the activist wrote about lesbianism in relation to transgenderism and the circumstances surrounding her hasty removal from the commission for what were essentially thoughtcrimes.
"Lesbians are female homosexuals, women who love women, but our spaces, resources and communities are on the verge of extinction. And now our very definition is co-opted and rendered meaningless by people who call themselves queer,"
wrote Beck in the piece, titled "How I became the most hated lesbian in Baltimore."
Beck said she began being "ostracized" after college for her refusal to ignore biological reality:
"After college, I was ostracized from more social circles than my rapist. My crime was asking questions like, 'Why is a man named ‘Woman of the Year?"' I lost my best friend after refusing to call myself 'cisgender.' Members of my co-ed fraternity called me 'dangerous' and encouraged new initiates to avoid me at all costs. People I trusted told me to die in a fire for naming male people men."
Other members of the commission were suspicious of Beck over her thoughts on sex from the beginning, but the opposition to her hit a fever pitch in October, when she "brought up Karen White, a convicted pedophile and rapist who was placed in a UK women's prison, despite being legally male and undergoing no steps to socially or medically transition, where he then raped two inmates," Beck explained.
Ava Pipitone, a trans woman, "smirked and claimed I was being performative. In delicate tones, he expressed concern with my leadership. He claimed lesbianism and transgenderism are incongruent political forces (probably the only thing we agree on). Instead of enacting 'lateral violence' against transfolk by crashing 'our parades,' he argued that lesbians should assimilate with male lesbians to 'punch up' at an unnamed oppressor," Beck continued.
Beck's "fitness as a leader" was questioned, she explained, "because 'referring to a transgender woman as a man is a similar infraction' to calling a lesbian 'a disgusting abomination.'"
Soon after, Beck was booted from the commission.
"Organizations like the LGBTQ Commission that claim to support lesbians are too often controlled by men who de-platform and silence outspoken women," she wrote. "Too many activists wear a facade of benevolence, preaching inclusion and equity while threatening to beat and kill women like me. But their lesbian-hating is somehow protected by their 'queer' social status."
"Nothing less than complete capitulation will appease the queerios," added Beck. "I tried to play nice, to find common ground, but there is no compromise on their behalf. So grab your sisters and make some noise. Demand the L be respected in the acronym we begin