Except when he touts how he has no hate and is all about love and I call him out for talking smack about my daughter who he doesn't even know... yea, that's TD. Then he runs away because he can't deal with his own reality . That guy? I see why he appeals to you.. hypocrites like to stick together.
Hey you’re pissed off at I was right.
Hey you’re pissed off at I was right.

Oh brother... I'm only going to respond because I read Multi's post before I signed in. In my own defense all I ever said was that bad people raise bad kids. The the bad acorn doesn't usually fall from a good tree. And I might have also said that you had to wonder what some of the posters in here kids must be like given what terrible people their parents were when blogging online... which while perhaps was in poor taste, but I obviously I hit the nail on the head because Multi literally had a meltdown and as you see is still talking about it today. And when I say meltdown I mean full blown I was worried he was going to take hostages moment that was so over the top that the third poster involved (Andy) in that thread stopped posting that day.

So now I keep Multi on ignore, and it's good for both of us.
Oh brother... I'm only going to respond because I read Multi's post before I signed in. In my own defense all I ever said was that bad people raise bad kids. The the bad acorn doesn't usually fall from a good tree. And I might have also said that you had to wonder what some of the posters in here kids must be like given what terrible people their parents were when blogging online... which while perhaps was in poor taste, but I obviously I hit the nail on the head because Multi literally had a meltdown and as you see is still talking about it today. And when I say meltdown I mean full blown I was worried he was going to take hostages moment that was so over the top that the third poster involved (Andy) in that thread stopped posting that day.

So now I keep Multi on ignore, and it's good for both of us.[/QUO
Multi is bummed cuz his parents run the whole show.
Oh brother... I'm only going to respond because I read Multi's post before I signed in. In my own defense all I ever said was that bad people raise bad kids. The the bad acorn doesn't usually fall from a good tree. And I might have also said that you had to wonder what some of the posters in here kids must be like given what terrible people their parents were when blogging online... which while perhaps was in poor taste, but I obviously I hit the nail on the head because Multi literally had a meltdown and as you see is still talking about it today. And when I say meltdown I mean full blown I was worried he was going to take hostages moment that was so over the top that the third poster involved (Andy) in that thread stopped posting that day.

So now I keep Multi on ignore, and it's good for both of us.
I am quite sure you are paraphrasing just a wee bit.
The elitist way, ignore.
Is it "tryanny of big government" that Orwell was really critiquing? He was European after all, and they tend to be rather big government as compared to Americans in my experience.

Also, my read of Orwell was that the real problem was Big Government that put it's own needs above those of the people? And that the Government uses control of the media and information to maintain it's control over the population. In fact it uses all means necessary to maintain control. That it's all relative. I.e. ideas such "hate" are no longer seen as right or wrong- rather where hate is helpful to the government it promotes hate, and where it hurts the government everything quashed. Killing people... no longer right or wrong, only helpful to the government or not. That's the hell Orwell was talking about by my understanding.
Again, that all sounds so trumpian.
I am quite sure you are paraphrasing just a wee bit.
The elitist way, ignore.
Paraphrasing is putting it politely . Funny how he read my post before he logged I said these kooks all read my post. He just can't handle his own hypocrisy. Talk $h!t then run away, what a puss...
So are we gonna meet or are you just full of hpt air.

I have a small project going on in your neck of the woods. Ill come to you so you don't have any excuses. Just give the address ..
Happy to meet. "A small project," although you haven't had a job in 30 years? Is it an art project?