Curriculum is set up by the local school board, and in large part schools are paid for by local property tax. If a teacher wants to stay employed, especially now that Trump has broken the teachers Union then they better play along. Sounds just about like every job I've every had. And also it makes me wonder why you true believers always look to Trump and Washington to tell you how to live.
Lol!! Fascism is fun isn't it?
Have I ever told you how smart I was? I do get a chuckle from some of you guys, but I think I'v e been pretty good at apealing to common sense as the answer for just about every instance. And common sense ain't so much about being smart, as making informed choices. If that's now allowed the right wing mob- then I don't want to be right.
Are they even real, official words?
I will have to admit, you make sense sometimes, but then you go off the deep end without notice.
Lol!! Fascism is fun isn't it?

Um... it's called doing your job. Obviously judging from how little time you spend working at that cushy government job you've forgotten that the first amendment doesn't protect you from consequences. Not even for school teachers, or county commissioners who refuse to marry gay couples, union officials promoting unions to people of the clock.
Have I ever told you how smart I was? I do get a chuckle from some of you guys, but I think I'v e been pretty good at apealing to common sense as the answer for just about every instance. And common sense ain't so much about being smart, as making informed choices. If that's now allowed the right wing mob- then I don't want to be right.
Then we agree that speech contradictory to biological reality should not be dictated to folks by federal law as a condition for employment.

"It's more like the elevation of moral posturing about sensitivity over truth. It's even worse"
Who's the liberals?
Then we agree that speech contradictory to biological reality should not be dictated to folks by federal law as a condition for employment.

"It's more like the elevation of moral posturing about sensitivity over truth. It's even worse"

You don't have to tell Bill Mahar that words have consequences. Remember when he got fired from that network show for saying something that got conservatives so worked up they threatened to boycott Disney if ABC didn't fire him? Something about the military...

Now sure how comparing what a comedian says on a night time talk show has to do with teachers having to teach the curriculum, the locally elected and funded school board directs them to? Other then maybe it goes back to my point- that when you are working on someone else's dollar, what comes out of your mouth can have consequences in your continuing to work there.