School District Refuses To Permit Parents See LGBT Videos Students Were Forced To Watch
by Hank BerrienJuly 4, 2018

In a Pennsylvania school district, after roughly 2,800 students were forced to watch LGBT videos during LGBT "Unity Week" in April, parents and conservative activists asked the district to provide links to the videos so they could see what their children had watched.

The answer they got: no.

As The Christian Post noted of Principal Kate Kieres of Emmaus High School, where the videos were shown, “Despite parents' requests to see the videos, Kieres stated that the school board solicitor has advised that ‘these videos cannot be sent to you, because they are part of a student project.’"

This is a gross violation of parental rights. The links to the videos are public records, notwithstanding claimed 'selection' of the videos by the ostensibly 'student-led' Gay-Straight Alliance ('GSA') as part of an alleged 'student project.' It would be convenient indeed if school districts could bypass all public records laws and parental notice and consent requirements for objectionable content, by finding a willing 'student group' to 'select' the material for them."
merlin_141034980_f5b56331-6018-4906-80a4-a29108396456-jumbo.jpg Spain decides most beautiful woman in a man
JULY 14, 2018
That's right: Spanish people think a man looks prettier than all the women in Spain.

"Having a vagina doesn't make a woman," [he] said in an interview. "Even if many people don't want to see me as a woman, I clearly belong among them. There are women with a penis and men with a vagina, because the only key part of being a woman is to be and feel like a woman," [he] said.
School District Refuses To Permit Parents See LGBT Videos Students Were Forced To Watch
by Hank BerrienJuly 4, 2018

In a Pennsylvania school district, after roughly 2,800 students were forced to watch LGBT videos during LGBT "Unity Week" in April, parents and conservative activists asked the district to provide links to the videos so they could see what their children had watched.

The answer they got: no.

As The Christian Post noted of Principal Kate Kieres of Emmaus High School, where the videos were shown, “Despite parents' requests to see the videos, Kieres stated that the school board solicitor has advised that ‘these videos cannot be sent to you, because they are part of a student project.’"

This is a gross violation of parental rights. The links to the videos are public records, notwithstanding claimed 'selection' of the videos by the ostensibly 'student-led' Gay-Straight Alliance ('GSA') as part of an alleged 'student project.' It would be convenient indeed if school districts could bypass all public records laws and parental notice and consent requirements for objectionable content, by finding a willing 'student group' to 'select' the material for them."

Wow. Another hit on some poor school principle out in the Tullies who can be embarrassed in a way that makes you feel good about how great your values are. Also nice that she lacks the money, PR team and the sophistication to fight back against a dark money backed news team...

At some point, some of these right wing "thought pieces" have to seem a little wonky even to you Joe?
View attachment 2939 Spain decides most beautiful woman in a man
JULY 14, 2018
That's right: Spanish people think a man looks prettier than all the women in Spain.

"Having a vagina doesn't make a woman," [he] said in an interview. "Even if many people don't want to see me as a woman, I clearly belong among them. There are women with a penis and men with a vagina, because the only key part of being a woman is to be and feel like a woman," [he] said.

Joe... when you came out and said you like sticking your nose up DT's butt I didn't judge. Same as I'm not going to judge this lady.
What a world what a world.
Refuse to Address Someone By Their Gender Preference? At U of MN, That Might Get You Expelled...or Fired

I would say just like anyone else, if a teacher who is getting paid for their time, is having their own personal issues get in the way of educating the students they are being paid to teach I think it's reasonable to be able to replace the teacher with someone who is a better fit? I'm surprised you disagree.
I would say just like anyone else, if a teacher who is getting paid for their time, is having their own personal issues get in the way of educating the students they are being paid to teach I think it's reasonable to be able to replace the teacher with someone who is a better fit? I'm surprised you disagree.
Compelled speech. How fun and fascist.
I would say just like anyone else, if a teacher who is getting paid for their time, is having their own personal issues get in the way of educating the students they are being paid to teach I think it's reasonable to be able to replace the teacher with someone who is a better fit? I'm surprised you disagree.
Compelled speech. How fun and fascist.

Uh... not sure how we got from teaching the curriculum the school board pays them to teach, to fascist? Perhaps you could explain more?

I mean lets take a softball question. If a public school teacher doesn't believe in immunizations, would it be okay for her be on the clock promoting that agenda? It just seems like common sense to me that you'd have curriculum that paid professionals are expected to stick to.
Uh... not sure how we got from teaching the curriculum the school board pays them to teach, to fascist? Perhaps you could explain more?

I mean lets take a softball question. If a public school teacher doesn't believe in immunizations, would it be okay for her be on the clock promoting that agenda? It just seems like common sense to me that you'd have curriculum that paid professionals are expected to stick to.
I told you compelled speech was fun and fascist. Don't get distracted.
I told you compelled speech was fun and fascist. Don't get distracted.

Distracted? I'm just trying to understand what you mean compelled speech.
Again, I don't think anyone is saying school teachers aren't free to believe whatever they want. But it sure would be silly for us to pretend that means they are allowed to just say and act however they want in their classrooms. haha... you've given me a good laugh.
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Distracted? I'm just trying to understand what you mean compelled speech.
Again, I don't think anyone is saying school teachers are free to believe whatever they want. But it sure would be silly for us to pretend that means they are allowed to just say and act however they want in their classrooms. haha... you've given me a good laugh.
Iz this what you meant?
So no comment beyond blind alliance to huh. Lol
Not much of a surprise there.
If a transgender ask a teacher to address them as other than their biological reality the teacher can choose to address the child as such. No law is required that assumes that all teachers require a federal law that compels
Distracted? I'm just trying to understand what you mean compelled speech.
Again, I don't think anyone is saying school teachers are free to believe whatever they want. But it sure would be silly for us to pretend that means they are allowed to just say and act however they want in their classrooms. haha... you've given me a good laugh.
Please tell us how smart you are again. Lol!!
If a transgender ask a teacher to address them as other than their biological reality the teacher can choose to address the child as such. No law is required that assumes that all teachers require a federal law that compels

Curriculum is set up by the local school board, and in large part schools are paid for by local property tax. If a teacher wants to stay employed, especially now that Trump has broken the teachers Union then they better play along. Sounds just about like every job I've every had. And also it makes me wonder why you true believers always look to Trump and Washington to tell you how to live.
Iz this what you meant?
Please tell us how smart you are again. Lol!!

Have I ever told you how smart I was? I do get a chuckle from some of you guys, but I think I'v e been pretty good at apealing to common sense as the answer for just about every instance. And common sense ain't so much about being smart, as making informed choices. If that's now allowed the right wing mob- then I don't want to be right.