
Run Little Rodent Run......!
Dear Gillette: Morbid Obesity Is Not Beautiful and Only 0.6% of American Adults Identify As Transgender

Posted at 5:18 am on April 06, 2019 by Elizabeth Vaughn


As if Gillette’s “Toxic Masculinity” ad campaign wasn’t ridiculous enough, the company has managed to do it again.

Their new ad for Venus razors features a morbidly obese model at the beach – wearing a bikini. This massive young woman’s arms are raised as if to show us how proud of her body she is and how empowered she feels.

The caption says, “Go out there and slay the day.”

“Venus is committed to representing beautiful women of all shapes, sizes, and skin types because ALL types of beautiful skin deserve to be shown. We love Anna because she lives out loud and loves her skin no matter how the ‘rules’ say she should display it.”

The reaction on social media was swift and fierce. Here are some of the responses:

“Slay the day? If she don’t get her weight under control it’s only a matter of time before the day slays her. It is incredibly irresponsible to promote such a unhealthy lifestyle.”

“Truly, that is a picture of New Amerika. Female, fat, entitled, and empowered to the max.”

“Gillette: The best a tran can get…”

“All those damn “rules” (heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, osteoporosis, low life expectancy and quality) who are they to determine what’s right? I’m sure she self-identifies as slim.”

“Maybe she’s slender neutral.”

234 House Democrats, Two Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill Forcing Schools To Let Male Athletes Compete On Girls’ Sports Teams
April 11th, 2019

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi laughs before speaking about the Voting Rights Enhancement Act, H.R. 4 on Capitol Hill on Feb. 26, 2019 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Joshua Roberts/Getty Images)

Every House Democrat but one has co-sponsored a bill requiring schools to allow male athletes who identify as transgender girls to compete on female sports teams.

Democrats’ Equality Act would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to make “sexual orientation and gender identity” protected characteristics under federal anti-discrimination law. Among other things, the bill would force public schools to expand female athletic teams to include biological males who identify as transgender girls.

submitted to a House subcommittee on Tuesday.

“Opponents of equality in athletics for transgender athletes have argued that girls who are transgender have unfair physiological advantages over cisgender girls and as a result, will dominate women’s competitive sports,” Warbelow wrote, calling it not “rooted in fact” that biologically male athletes will outperform their female counterparts.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York, made a similar argument during an April 2 hearing his committee held on the legislation. (RELATED: Biological Male Is Top-Ranked NCAA Track Star)

“Many states have sexual orientation and gender identity nondiscrimination laws, and all of them still have women’s sports. Arguments about transgender athletes participating in sports in accordance with their gender identity having competitive advantages have not been borne out,” Nadler said in his opening statement.


U.S. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler walks to his office at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., on March 25, 2019. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

In Connecticut, one of the states to which Nadler was referring, two male runners have dominated girls’ high school track. A female competitor called the male runners’ advantage “demoralizing.”

Julia Beck, the head of a self-described radical feminist organization, testified against the bill.

The Democrats’ bill would lead to a male invasion of female spaces, including on the athletic field, Beck said in her April 2 testimony. “Men will dominate female sports,” she warned.

Of the 235 Democrats in the House, 234 have co-sponsored the legislation. (That’s not counting Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico’s non-voting representatives, who also signed on as co-sponsors.)

Reps. John Katko of New York and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania are the only House Republicans to co-sponsor the bill.
APRIL 12, 2019
Is Transexualism a Disassociative Personality Disorder?
By Deborah C. Tyler
Through the 1970s a handful of prestigious American medical institutions offered medical and surgical sex-change procedures to patients diagnosed with transsexualism. The Cleveland Clinic had such a unit. Along with the sultans and potentates who flew in to have their dubious tickers fixed, a few men suffering severe disruption in sex identification quietly came to Cleveland to have well-trained doctors treat them in ways that would facilitate their living as if they were women.

These transsexual treatment programs in general hospitals have all closed down. Transsexual medicine traveled the same path as abortion services. It started out being provided in general hospitals in the 1970s, but as society sobered up from the dreadful trip called “choice,” both abortion and transsexual treatment were shut out of hospitals. This is because both kinds of treatments amount to inflicting sickness and systemic failure upon healthy bodies, and both without scientific knowledge of the long-term effects of such “healthcare.” Through the 1980s the abortion and transsexual markets were taken over by specialty clinics such as Planned Parenthood, where providers are political zealots, not healers, and don’t trouble themselves about first doing no harm.

The transsexual unit at the Cleveland Clinic vanished without a trace many years ago. But I know it was there because I was too. I did an internship at that clinic in 1976. I bopped around the clinic lugging my bookbag, wearing a clownishly large white coat. Nobody mistook me for a doctor, or a nurse, or even a grown-up. Of the clinics I rotated through, the most interesting to me was the transsexual unit. This was not because of some lurid curiosity. It was because of all the psychological disorders, the ones that have to do with radical aberrations in identity, called the dissociative states, most remind us of how little psychology knows about what is really going on in this life.

the vast literature that comes to us from the Greeks, to cite one example, there are reams of stories about sane men doing terrible things they wouldn’t want to tell their mommas, especially when they are having sex with her. But there are no representations of an otherwise mentally sound man so certain he was a woman he had his penis cut off. In fact, across world cultural or medical literature, tales of the mentally sound transsexual are missing. There are endless chronicles of every kind of deviation of sexuality, transvestism and paraphilias beyond imagination. There are also many accounts of mentally ill persons mutilating themselves. But there is a dearth of literature that describes the current concept of transgenderism (sic), which is of a perfectly sane man, the fellow next door perhaps, a husband and father, who has his penis cut off because he just happened to discover he was a woman after all. The gender fanatics will blather it is fear of persecution that these stories didn’t get told. But that doesn’t ring true. If even a fraction of 1% of rational men were “transgenders” throughout human history, we would have heard more about it.

The medical term "transsexual" did not appear in the DSM until 1980. The “trans” terminologies -- transsexual, trans woman, trans man – are in themselves problematic because the purpose of all therapies, mental and physical, is to restore homeostasis and stability to mind and body. The “trans woman” never becomes a true woman, but is forever in transition, permanently rowing against the tide of biology. But the diagnosis "transsexual" wasn’t meant to last long. By 1980 in American politics the bold vanguard of homosexual empire building needed a new outpost to plant their flag. The mental disorder "transsexualism" was fast-tracked to become a non-disorder, just a happenstance of mind called transgenderism. The DSM IVpublished in 1994 introduced the term ‘gender identity disorder’. Then in the DSM V in 2013, the process of normalizing a gross abnormality in the most fundamental psychological identification of human experience, i.e. whether one is a male or a female, was completed. Transgenderism stopped being an identity disorder at all. It became merely a “dysphoria” or an unpleasant feeling.
Roots of the Left's Acceptance of Pedophilia
By Steven Kessler
Shockingly, there are people in the liberal media attempting to normalize pedophilia. These media sources range from outlets like to peer-reviewed journals to popular cable news media shows.

One would think that a stance against pedophilia would be something we can all agree on, yet here we are. To those with only a cursory understanding of liberalism and liberal ideology, this is shocking. However, to those with an intimate understanding of liberal ideology, this is the next logical threshold when articulating the moral foundations of liberalism.

To understand the path of this logical progression, we must explore the work and thought of Jean Rousseau, the godfather and patron saint of liberalism. Rousseau believed that "man is a being who is naturally good ... and the first movements of nature are always good." Human beings are born naturally benevolent, and our natural goodness means man's impulses and feelings are naturally just and correct, therefore making them moral to follow.

Rousseau believed that man lives in a fictitious utopian "state of nature," which existed prior to civil society. In the state of nature, human beings lived independently; they lived free from the judgments of others; and we necessitated not favors, nor esteem, nor flattery from our neighbors.

Unfortunately, when a person selfishly acquired private property for himself, it caused society's birth, which destroyed the utopian "state of nature" permanently. We are now forever dependent on others, forever subjected to the judgments of our neighbors, and forever faced with the need to garner esteem and flattery. As Arthur Melzer, a scholar of Rousseau, explained, "the dependency relationships formed in society, and the process of psychological corruption they produce, culminate in the other-directed self-seeker, who spends his life obsessed with others precisely because he cares only about himself." Human beings pretend to be nice to others simply for their own personal gain. The only reason we are kind is to gain a utilitarian advantage from others, others we do not actually care about. The need to free oneself from the dependence and judgment of others and live freely is the thrust of what is known as the ethic of sincerity, or in this case, insincerity.

As David Gauthier, another Rousseau scholar, observed of Rousseau, "to depend on opinion is to depend on others for one's sentiment of existence. It is to be alienated from oneself." Gauthier quoted Rousseau's moral angst: "I no longer found anything great ... but to be free and virtuous, above fortune and opinion, and to suffice to oneself. Although the shame and fear of hisses kept me from behaving upon these principles at first."

So long as Rousseau was under the tyranny of the esteem of others, he lived a beleaguered life. Rousseau felt a pressure from society to conceal his true nature and live life wearing a mask over his personality. He bemoaned the nature of this constraint in The first discourse (1750):

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One does not dare to appear as what one is. And in this perpetual constraint, men who make up this herd we call society, placed in the same circumstances, will all do the same things, unless more powerful motives prevent them. Thus, one will never know well the person one is dealing with.

Rousseau is fearful of shame and negative opinions from others. He must therefore live the life of a phony, insincere person, perpetually stunted from being himself. To be oneself is the essence of a life sincerely lived.

Melzer identified Rousseau as the first person to canonize this philosophical premise, which defined "the good as being oneself regardless of what one may be" (p. 14). Simply be yourself, and "let go and stop trying. ... I truly find myself when, rejecting all strenuous talk about my higher self, and liberated from shame and guilt, I just freely observe and sincerely acknowledge all that goes on within my soul." Read Jill Locke's description of Rousseau's moral philosophy in Democracy and the death of shame: Political equality and social disturbance:

He connected his misery to an unhealthy preoccupation with the impressions of others and the ease with which he could be made to feel ashamed. His narrative of self-loathing and longing to be free from the judgments of others who cast one as undesirable.

Rousseau's true goal in living authentically was escaping the judgment and shame others cast upon him. Being true to oneself means living a life without shame, free of guilt, removed from the opinions of others. For Rousseau, the authentic person is one who is not just free from shame and judgment, but has the opportunity to be whoever he chooses to be.

As the fear of shame is removed from our lives, our notion of what is good, beautiful, and true changes. For Rousseau, "morality itself requires of the individual only that he listen to his heart and yield effortlessly to its present command." We only have to listen to our hearts because of our natural goodness. When Rousseau said, "The first movements of nature are always good," he meant that one "acts only in accord with his impulses and reason." The natural goodness of man means we are devoid of evil inclinations. This natural goodness makes all our actions benevolent, so long as we mean well. As Rousseau said, "I give myself to the impression of the moment without resistance and [even] without scruple; for I am perfectly sure that my heart loves only that which is good."

Tying Rousseau's natural goodness of man, his desire to live without shame, living free from the opinions of others, and his belief that a person must only look inside and be whatever it is he feels inside — however reprehensible it may be — to the modern issue of pedophilia should appear axiomatic. If human beings are naturally good, if they need to only look inside themselves and act on their impulses, which, again, are always moral, then they should.

If those impulses are those of pedophilia, it is logical, according to Rousseau and his acolytes, to act upon them. Society needs to refrain from judging the rapists and molesters of the world because that's just who they are on the inside, and because of our natural goodness, all of their impulses are moral and worth following.

I submit that pedophilia is the final frontier, but then again, who knows? So long as the liberals believe morality consists in living authentically, looking within, and living a life without shame, the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior will move in directions and places our ancestors could have never imagined.

Roots of the Left's Acceptance of Pedophilia
By Steven Kessler
Shockingly, there are people in the liberal media attempting to normalize pedophilia. These media sources range from outlets like to peer-reviewed journals to popular cable news media shows.

One would think that a stance against pedophilia would be something we can all agree on, yet here we are. To those with only a cursory understanding of liberalism and liberal ideology, this is shocking. However, to those with an intimate understanding of liberal ideology, this is the next logical threshold when articulating the moral foundations of liberalism.

To understand the path of this logical progression, we must explore the work and thought of Jean Rousseau, the godfather and patron saint of liberalism. Rousseau believed that "man is a being who is naturally good ... and the first movements of nature are always good." Human beings are born naturally benevolent, and our natural goodness means man's impulses and feelings are naturally just and correct, therefore making them moral to follow.

Rousseau believed that man lives in a fictitious utopian "state of nature," which existed prior to civil society. In the state of nature, human beings lived independently; they lived free from the judgments of others; and we necessitated not favors, nor esteem, nor flattery from our neighbors.

Unfortunately, when a person selfishly acquired private property for himself, it caused society's birth, which destroyed the utopian "state of nature" permanently. We are now forever dependent on others, forever subjected to the judgments of our neighbors, and forever faced with the need to garner esteem and flattery. As Arthur Melzer, a scholar of Rousseau, explained, "the dependency relationships formed in society, and the process of psychological corruption they produce, culminate in the other-directed self-seeker, who spends his life obsessed with others precisely because he cares only about himself." Human beings pretend to be nice to others simply for their own personal gain. The only reason we are kind is to gain a utilitarian advantage from others, others we do not actually care about. The need to free oneself from the dependence and judgment of others and live freely is the thrust of what is known as the ethic of sincerity, or in this case, insincerity.

As David Gauthier, another Rousseau scholar, observed of Rousseau, "to depend on opinion is to depend on others for one's sentiment of existence. It is to be alienated from oneself." Gauthier quoted Rousseau's moral angst: "I no longer found anything great ... but to be free and virtuous, above fortune and opinion, and to suffice to oneself. Although the shame and fear of hisses kept me from behaving upon these principles at first."

So long as Rousseau was under the tyranny of the esteem of others, he lived a beleaguered life. Rousseau felt a pressure from society to conceal his true nature and live life wearing a mask over his personality. He bemoaned the nature of this constraint in The first discourse (1750):

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One does not dare to appear as what one is. And in this perpetual constraint, men who make up this herd we call society, placed in the same circumstances, will all do the same things, unless more powerful motives prevent them. Thus, one will never know well the person one is dealing with.

Rousseau is fearful of shame and negative opinions from others. He must therefore live the life of a phony, insincere person, perpetually stunted from being himself. To be oneself is the essence of a life sincerely lived.

Melzer identified Rousseau as the first person to canonize this philosophical premise, which defined "the good as being oneself regardless of what one may be" (p. 14). Simply be yourself, and "let go and stop trying. ... I truly find myself when, rejecting all strenuous talk about my higher self, and liberated from shame and guilt, I just freely observe and sincerely acknowledge all that goes on within my soul." Read Jill Locke's description of Rousseau's moral philosophy in Democracy and the death of shame: Political equality and social disturbance:

He connected his misery to an unhealthy preoccupation with the impressions of others and the ease with which he could be made to feel ashamed. His narrative of self-loathing and longing to be free from the judgments of others who cast one as undesirable.

Rousseau's true goal in living authentically was escaping the judgment and shame others cast upon him. Being true to oneself means living a life without shame, free of guilt, removed from the opinions of others. For Rousseau, the authentic person is one who is not just free from shame and judgment, but has the opportunity to be whoever he chooses to be.

As the fear of shame is removed from our lives, our notion of what is good, beautiful, and true changes. For Rousseau, "morality itself requires of the individual only that he listen to his heart and yield effortlessly to its present command." We only have to listen to our hearts because of our natural goodness. When Rousseau said, "The first movements of nature are always good," he meant that one "acts only in accord with his impulses and reason." The natural goodness of man means we are devoid of evil inclinations. This natural goodness makes all our actions benevolent, so long as we mean well. As Rousseau said, "I give myself to the impression of the moment without resistance and [even] without scruple; for I am perfectly sure that my heart loves only that which is good."

Tying Rousseau's natural goodness of man, his desire to live without shame, living free from the opinions of others, and his belief that a person must only look inside and be whatever it is he feels inside — however reprehensible it may be — to the modern issue of pedophilia should appear axiomatic. If human beings are naturally good, if they need to only look inside themselves and act on their impulses, which, again, are always moral, then they should.

If those impulses are those of pedophilia, it is logical, according to Rousseau and his acolytes, to act upon them. Society needs to refrain from judging the rapists and molesters of the world because that's just who they are on the inside, and because of our natural goodness, all of their impulses are moral and worth following.

I submit that pedophilia is the final frontier, but then again, who knows? So long as the liberals believe morality consists in living authentically, looking within, and living a life without shame, the boundaries of socially acceptable behavior will move in directions and places our ancestors could have never imagined.

How else would creepy Joe have a shot at POTUS.

Liberal Feminist Mother Warns Transgender Activists Are Taking Control of Mental Health Profession


Scott Olson/Getty Images
DR. SUSAN BERRY 16 Apr 2019
A liberal feminist mother of a gender-dysphoric teen warns parents that transgender activists are ensuring it will soon be “nearly impossible” to find a mental health professional who is willing to help these children evaluate their self-perceptions.

“I quickly discovered that it is nearly impossible to find therapists who do this kind of work,” wrote the anonymous mother in a piece that appeared at the Federalist Tuesday. “If a girl presents as transgender today, the vast majority of therapists will immediately affirm the girl’s declared gender identity and ask her what steps she would like to take toward transition.”

Currently, transgender activists are celebrating their success in pressing lawmakers in 16 states and the District of Columbia to ban what they call “conversion therapy.” These political supporters of gender ideology claim therapists who do not immediately affirm the perception of young people claiming to be a gender that is incompatible with their biological sex are “harmful” and “abusive” and must be outlawed.

As the anonymous Federalist writer discovered, most mental health professionals from the states in which “conversion therapy” is now banned will not be willing to help a child explore his or her feelings or perceptions about sexual identity.

The mother wrote:

I interviewed at least a dozen therapists in search of one who could help my daughter examine her feelings and motivations. I finally resorted to paying out-of-pocket for my daughter to talk online to a therapist who lives in another state. I know I am not alone. I belong to an online support group of nearly 1,500 parents of gender dysphoric youth. Finding therapists who provide standard mental health therapy rather than automatic affirmation is a frustration for most of us.

Mental health professionals who work with children in states in which the transgender activists have successfully banned traditional therapy with children would be risking their licenses and their livelihood if they took on such cases.

“The goal of anti-conversion therapy bills is to ban mental health therapists from using conversion therapy with minors,” the mother wrote. “I am afraid these bills will have a chilling effect on therapists’ ability to help girls who say they are transgender.”

At a recent Heritage Foundation panel, Walt Heyer, founder of Sex Change Regret, said his organization receives many letters from parents, and those who have begun transitioning to the opposite sex themselves, seeking help.

Heyer, as the Christian Post reported, lived as a transgender woman for eight years and underwent surgery in 1983. In his discussion, he labeled what transgender activists are doing to young people today – controlling mental health therapy and pushing hormonal treatments and surgical interventions – as “abuse.”

Charlize Theron: My Child was a Boy 'Until She Looked At Me When She was Three and Said 'I Am Not a Boy!'


Dan Steinberg/Invision/AP
NEIL MUNRO 19 Apr 2019
Hollywood actress Charlize Theron revealed that she is raising her adopted seven-year-old boy as a girl.
“I thought she was a boy,” Charlize Theron said, “until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: ‘I am not a boy!'”

The Daily Mail reported that Charlize Theron said she does try to guide the children:

So there you go! I have two beautiful daughters who, just like any parent, I want to protect and I want to see thrive.

They were born who they are and exactly where in the world both of them get to find themselves as they grow up, and who they want to be, is not for me to decide.

My job as a parent is to celebrate them and to love them and to make sure that they have everything they need in order to be what they want to be.

Theron’s decision to allow her three-year-old child to choose a life of risky medical treatment, social exclusion, and mental turmoil is likely to spur the growing debate over whether parents inappropriately nudge their gentle boys, tomboys, and gay or lesbian children, toward trangenderism.

An increasing number of parents are allowing their children to choose an opposite-sex identity, despite the difficult future impact on the children.

Opponents of this trangender movement spotlight studies which show that 90 percent of young children who claim opposite-sex preferences grow out of the phase and come through the turmoil of puberty without claiming they were born in the “wrong body.” Those kids include a significant number of people who turn out to be lesbian or gay.

The American College of Pediatricians reported that “as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.” The college added that “conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.”

Actor James Woods jumped into that debate in 2017, commenting on a young boy and his parents at a Pride parade holding signs that read “I [heart] my gender creative son” and “My son wears dresses & makeup…Get over it!”

“This is sweet,” Woods captioned the image. “Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you’ve done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage.”

Also, many of the teenagers also declare themselves to be transgender are swept along by a combination of teenage unhappiness and peer pressure, according to a 2018 university study that survived fierce criticism from transgender activists.

Polls show the transgender ideology is deeply unpopular, especially among women and parents. Multiple polls show that most Americans wish to help and comfort people who think they are a member of the opposite sex but they also reject the transgender ideology’s claim that a person’s sex is determined by their feeling of “gender identity,” not by their biology.

Kuwaiti ‘Academic’ Cures Homosexuality: Gay Men Have a Worm That Lives in Their Rectum, & You Don’t Wanna Know What it Eats

Posted at 7:10 pm on April 30, 2019 by Alex Parker

On the science front, a groundbreaking discovery’s been made.

And the person to bring us the big news is Mariam Al-Sohel, a self-described academic Kuwaiti.

Gay people, listen close; straight people, take the word to the street:

Homosexual men have a very simple problem that can be remedied rather easily.

As it turns out, Liberace had a worm that lived inside his butt. And just as Cookie Monster lives for cookies and that weird yellow guy from the 80’s Public Service Announcement hankered for a hunka cheese, the sequined pianist’s butt boarder constantly craved its favorite food of all: semen.


And it kinda makes sense — maybe that piano bench was keeping the thing in.

Fortunately for people still stalking the Earth with the worrisome worm, Mariam has a way of killing it. And it doesn’t require oral ingestion.

Her solution to salacious sexual stickin’…her problem-solver for prurient pickle-parkin’…is a super scientific suppository.

It’s a good thing Mariam’s solved the Pubix Cube — man-on-man lovin’ is illegal in Kuwait.

Plus, a BONUS: her cure was inspired by “Islamic prophecies.”

She said as much during her appearance on Scope TV (above).

And how do men become gay? They develop the sexual urge for some sneaky backdoor shenanigans after being “sexually attacked.” And — like the heart — the worm wants what the worm wants.

That little fella is livin’ in there and tellin’ its host what to do. The afflicted man’s out on the town and wanting to find a tryst or three? Thus speaks his colonic caterpillar: “See men, see men, see men, seemen!”

And the addiction continues.

Feed your habit, feed the monster.

Thanks to Mariam, LGBT may soon merely stand for “Larva-Gone Butt Treatment.”

But it’s a drag that she has to kill the thing. Much better: some kind of transformational method. The guy just bends over, and out comes a beautiful BUTTerfly.

A monarse?

Joe, seriously, make sure one of these utter nutters in here has your personal contact info and next of kin in case you ever go more than 12 hours without posting . . . stuff no one looks at.
I don't read 99.9% of your crap, it's nonsensical, biased, fabricated for a certain audience (you and other numbskulls like you), BS that isn't worth the time.

More low level intellect....from the Poor Rodent.

If you term all of his posts crap, which would be 100 %........

All = 100 %

And you have freely admitted you don't read 99. 9 % of his
posts then your above post is another Complete LIE....

You Poor Retired Rod Buster....Enjoy your retirement.