NWSL opening weekend

Their mission seems good to go. What part of their mission do you take issue with?

We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people. Really? When have they cared about other races?

We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location. Funny, no mention of black on black murders.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable. Huh?

We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another. Peace... as in killing and burning
Their mission seems good to go. What part of their mission do you take issue with?
For starters, these two:

1. The call for a national refunding of police.

2. "We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

I see the removal of police and absence of the term "Father" from their mission as absolutely devastating to the black community, in fact to all communities.

Again, this is just for starters. I need to go for now, I'll check back with you later.
We work vigorously for freedom and justice for Black people and, by extension, all people. Really? When have they cared about other races?

We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location. Funny, no mention of black on black murders.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable. Huh?

We embody and practice justice, liberation, and peace in our engagements with one another. Peace... as in killing and burning
So, in other words you don’t have a valid issue with their mission. Maybe a reading comprehension problem though.
So, in other words you don’t have a valid issue with their mission. Maybe a reading comprehension problem though.

Those were just some of the bullshit lines I spent 30 seconds finding. It actually looks like they started out as a support group for trannies... then evolved into a victim hood organization that supports all losers. That said, they don't care about other races, they clearly support fatherless households and they obviously don't do anything peacefully.
For starters, these two:

1. The call for a national refunding of police.

2. "We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work “double shifts” so that they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work.

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."

I see the removal of police and absence of the term "Father" from their mission as absolutely devastating to the black community, in fact to all communities.

Again, this is just for starters. I need to go for now, I'll check back with you later.
Well an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. I think defunding education and the militarization of police was unnecessary. Too many politicians have been fear monger’s and ran on being tough on crime. Most crime goes undetected. And we don’t need militarized police forces to solve the small percentages of crime the police do solve.

Folks need a level playing field, access to education, jobs, and healthcare. We don’t need more police. It’s better to put the money into education instead of the inequitable administration of justice for the modern day slave trade.
That's nice that you are making a generous promise to honor other's choices but that is not the general attitude. I asked a player recently that is headed off to a D1 program what would happen if team mates kneel at games but she prefers to show respect to her military and very patriotic family background - her response - said she would have to kneel so she doesn't get rejected and criticized by team mates. she didn't think she had a choice. That's a nice statement about the lack of respect and freedom for all. Think and do like I think you should or else you will be judged and criticized. Just like people have said that the flag and national anthem aren't a symbol and not about respect for our military and the fight for freedom, standing doesn't mean you are a racist or a biggot.

No one is accusing anyone of being a racist because they stood for the anthem. No one is telling anyone who stands for the anthem what the flag should mean to them. The only people trying to dictate to others what the flag should mean to others are the whiny little sh**ts who get upset at people who kneel. As for your friend, it sounds like she has some growing to do, but college is a great place for that. Feel free to tell her that odds are very high that any kneeler teammates will almost certainly respect and even encourage her to handle the anthem however she likes.
5 pages with nothing really on the opening weekend of play. I was disappointed in many of the players not showing up but did enjoy watching the games again. Love the way N. Carolina plays. Is there anyone here making a statement to Vlatko about inclusion in future US Women's team camps? Lot of outstanding play from those outside the US....Debhina, Daly, Vero.

I will now return you to your previous politically and racially motivated discussions.
Well an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. I think defunding education and the militarization of police was unnecessary. Too many politicians have been fear monger’s and ran on being tough on crime. Most crime goes undetected. And we don’t need militarized police forces to solve the small percentages of crime the police do solve.

Folks need a level playing field, access to education, jobs, and healthcare. We don’t need more police. It’s better to put the money into education instead of the inequitable administration of justice for the modern day slave trade.

Folks have equal access to education, jobs and healthcare. Whether or not they VALUE that access is up to the individual.
Those were just some of the bullshit lines I spent 30 seconds finding. It actually looks like they started out as a support group for trannies... then evolved into a victim hood organization that supports all losers. That said, they don't care about other races, they clearly support fatherless households and they obviously don't do anything peacefully.
Where do they say that they don’t care about o
Folks have equal access to education, jobs and healthcare. Whether or not they VALUE that access is up to the individual.
Where do they say that they don’t care about o


Oh, they SAY they care about others. Where on the website, or where in society, has BLM stood for someone that isn't black? Are they standing for the white woman that just died because a black man ran her over on the freeway?

What do you mean "where"? Where are there not public schools? Where are there companies that don't hire black people? Where can you NOT walk into a hospital and get care?
Well an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. I think defunding education and the militarization of police was unnecessary. Too many politicians have been fear monger’s and ran on being tough on crime. Most crime goes undetected. And we don’t need militarized police forces to solve the small percentages of crime the police do solve.

Folks need a level playing field, access to education, jobs, and healthcare. We don’t need more police. It’s better to put the money into education instead of the inequitable administration of justice for the modern day slave trade.
Interesting you would side step the nuclear family. I find the nuclear family to be the pivotal point and the strongest case against BLM. The nuclear family is the foundation that all individual lives are built upon - thus, the need or lack there of for policing; the importance placed on education; the establishment of morals, values, financial life skills and work ethic to name a few.

It is widely reported that the three women who founded BLM are Marxist trained man-hating militant lesbians. Although, I come down on the side of "to each his own" in ones personal life, just don't cram mandatory acceptance down my throat or into my kid's school books, I do find this fact curious in the calculated absence of the term "Father" in their mission statement. Especially since a Father is instrumental to the nuclear family. As for being Marxist trained, I heard it in their own words, and it's a deal breaker for any organization.

I'm sure crime, a lack of solving it and scaling back police is hardly a point of relevance or would be felt or even noticable in the communities we live in.

We probably have solid agreement on education, although BLM doesn't address it in any meaningful way. I strongly support School Choice as life changing for black lives and all underserved kids and communities. Unfortunately, BLM directly finances the Democrat party (of the finances that can be accounted for), thus making School Choice support strictly off the table.

At this point, can we agree on: The Nuclear Family & need for Father's; Anti-Marxist; School Choice?
No one is accusing anyone of being a racist because they stood for the anthem. No one is telling anyone who stands for the anthem what the flag should mean to them. The only people trying to dictate to others what the flag should mean to others are the whiny little sh**ts who get upset at people who kneel. As for your friend, it sounds like she has some growing to do, but college is a great place for that. Feel free to tell her that odds are very high that any kneeler teammates will almost certainly respect and even encourage her to handle the anthem however she likes.
Usually I agree with your comments but this response is very naive. Just look at how much uproar there has been about Rachel Hill standing during the national anthem. She had to send out a big tweet to explain her standing and justify how she handled it and what she did to make sure she it didn't feel insulting to her team mates and the other players. Any one standing has to justify why they are standing and they are being judged. Blackballing and ostracizing is a real thing that happens if you speak up and say things that others don't approve of. This attitude is all over this forum.
Usually I agree with your comments but this response is very naive. Just look at how much uproar there has been about Rachel Hill standing during the national anthem. She had to send out a big tweet to explain her standing and justify how she handled it and what she did to make sure she it didn't feel insulting to her team mates and the other players. Any one standing has to justify why they are standing and they are being judged. Blackballing and ostracizing is a real thing that happens if you speak up and say things that others don't approve of. This attitude is all over this forum.
...and that's the left.
Usually I agree with your comments but this response is very naive. Just look at how much uproar there has been about Rachel Hill standing during the national anthem. She had to send out a big tweet to explain her standing and justify how she handled it and what she did to make sure she it didn't feel insulting to her team mates and the other players. Any one standing has to justify why they are standing and they are being judged. Blackballing and ostracizing is a real thing that happens if you speak up and say things that others don't approve of. This attitude is all over this forum.

There were a handful of Twitter trolls who criticized her decision, sure, but they exist for everything. Real humans aren’t criticizing her, and trying to extrapolate a handful of trolls who are probably bots into some sort of sentiment by any group is ridiculous.

If your friend is deterred from standing because of twitter trolls, she has real problems, especially since Hill fully admits that everyone around her including her teammates were very supportive. Kneeling due to peer pressure from teammates, staff, friends and even the Democratic Party is a fake problem.
There were a handful of Twitter trolls who criticized her decision, sure, but they exist for everything. Real humans aren’t criticizing her, and trying to extrapolate a handful of trolls who are probably bots into some sort of sentiment by any group is ridiculous.

If your friend is deterred from standing because of twitter trolls, she has real problems, especially since Hill fully admits that everyone around her including her teammates were very supportive. Kneeling due to peer pressure from teammates, staff, friends and even the Democratic Party is a fake problem.
Big difference... for instance, you're a troll, insignificant and contributing nothing of value. What she faced was "cancel culture" which has become a major issue to anyone with reasonable intelligence to comprehend it.

There, fixed it for you.