Dude, the Champions League is run by NPL and has nothing to do with ECNL/GDA. The NPL is an entirely different organization and is agnostic to all this ECNL/GDA debate. Their rules are their rules.
Every team playing in the NPL Champions League had to earn their way in it. The defending ECNL National Champion had to play in NPL1 for a couple of seasons in order earn they way into the Champions League. And now you're expecting the NPL to let you kid's team to bypass NPL rules and just be granted a spot in the Champions League just because they used to play in GDA? That's a slap in the face to every team in the NPL.
The sense of entitlement with you and soccerfan's expectation get special treatment, to be able jump ahead of every single team in an entirely different league that's not associated with ECNL, and expecting the league to bend their rules for your kids' team, just because your league disbanded is mind-boggling.