Wow. When someone acts like a childish moron, my engagement with them is done. If you return to acting like an adult and not a petulant child, I’m happy to discuss anything openly, as I’m used to doing on this public forum. Again, credibility is a word you should lookup.
In terms of being taken seriously as a coach and as a club; I don’t even need to address that. The community here speaks with their actions and support on a daily basis. Oh btw; in case you didn’t notice, we live right next to the beach. ‘Shirtless’ isn’t a big thing on the Westside and it’s very normal within the workout commun
Okay, please explain this. Despite AW's lack of credibility.Coach Paul,
You being on a public forum as yourself, is your choice. You don’t get a medal for doing it and you can’t shame others that don’t. You have spent the last 2 posts ranting about you being you on public forum and asking me to reveal myself. You continue to deflect the fact your club is holding illegal practices at Clover Park.
In post 1 you talk about how clover is a great place for the kids and parents. Post 2 you talk about nightly scrimmages that go down at clover. All the activities at clover without a permit or insurance are illegal per Cal South Return to play protocol. You should not be there witt you players for team trainings or 1 on 1 trainings. You are the Director for your club and you set the standard.
Having your goal set up with soccer balls for a smoothie photo shoot are not smart in the current club soccer environment. Make no mistake, that is clover park in the back ground. Also, it is very obvious who runs the IG account for your clubView attachment 8458 based on all those stay home shirtless training videos you have posted. As a coach who wants to be respected and taken seriously as a small club on the west side. I would highly recommend doing your club trainings with a shirt on. You have 16 & 17 year girls in a your club and should be ashamed of yourself for posting those.
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