It comes down to who the individual evaluator is in the States and that's usually a Docs, a Coach, a Team Manager or some Dads on the team looking for "Impact" player. "Please come to our Evaluation Tryouts." We will at this time tell you what flight your kid is at." The player should not be judged at the "Flight Level" at all. "Hey dad, well after looking at your player today, she is flight 3 at this time. We just started a new flight 3 team with the other flight 3 players. Actually, we also have three flight 2 players coming to this years flight 3 team because they want to win and help our flight three team win league. Our flight 2 team sucks and we beat them in scrimmages all the Oh ya, a flight 1 player is also coming. Shhhhh, don tell the parents because they dont know yet that their player is now flight 3 level." No one likes to go backwards. If you tell your dd allowance is now $25 a week from $50, they don;t like that kind of discussion. I can say 100% parents do not like being told their kid is dropped from the A team to the C team. Who does this in other parts of the world with soccer? Plus, if you pay the evaluator for privates and extras, you automictically become flight 2 player, because flight 2 players are willing to go the extra mile to be the best they can be. If you pay and stay, you will 100% be developed into a flight 1 player. Add high GPA and high SAT and your in like flint
That's what we got all wrong here in the States. The Academy should only be judged by winning in the flight their club is in and earned from playing on the field, not a board room. Top local players will help the lower flight club promote to top flight, if they have good coaches and by winning and developing their players, not other clubs players. Legends and Beach were trying to do that but all the ECNL clubs poached their top players when they turned 10 to the top flight league and not necessarily a top flight club, if you know what I mean. The Promotion or Regulation is a micro of what our country is going through right now. It's still the Wild West.