About 6 weeks ago, my 17 yr old daughter got a call to go train with the Wave. Her response , “Thank you, but I have no interest in playing professional soccer…please give the opportunity to someone else.”Let's just say there are 17 ECNL teams in SW (not counting GA teams). Your math says there would be 34 players per age group. Let's just look at four age groups, that's 34X4=136 in SW division. But they only drafted 56 players from College, all over the country and players from outside the country. Most of those that get drafted are getting paid 35K and will be replaced the next year by the next class.
An example of how hard it is to make it as a female soccer player. This is a Mac Herman finalist.
Along with Turnbow, Taylor Kornieck had to leave Wave FC because she wasn't getting play time.
San Diego Wave FC Midfielder Kelsey Turnbow Announces Retirement - San Diego Wave Fútbol Club
San Diego Wave FC midfielder Kelsey Turnbow today announced her [...]sandiegowavefc.com
Kelsey Turnbow - 2021 - Women's Soccer - Santa Clara University
Kelsey Turnbow (10) Forward - AS A RS SENIOR IN 2021: First Team All-American ... Third Team Academic All-American … Honda Award Finalist … Onesantaclarabroncos.com
Raised this one right…off to college to get that degree. At least Ms. Turnbow above had the foresight to finish college. Smart lady.