Sounds to me you might be a parent from Metcalf team. Or affiliated with CDA whittier. My point in all this, was Metcalf was given the choice to allow our girls to rest for 1 hour and he refused. He Put aside fairplay, and put winning a u-10 tournament as his priority. And yes he’s a douche bag!
I have on multiple occasions (not always) turned down the request for water breaks water breaks during games if I felt they weren't necessary for my team. It Doesn't mean I'm inconsiderate of players safety or anything of the sorts.. It means If I feel my team doesn't need a water break and or is well prepared to play the game without one that's my choice to make and my responsibilty to look out for the kids That I coach. Same as it is for the team were playing against. If players need breaks or a sub that's part of coaching those situations. If it gives us an advantage then great cause that's what we prepare and train for. Having better endurance and longer stamina is an advantage we hope to gain over every team we play. That's one of the big goals we work toward. The safety or well being of the other teams players are the responsibilty of the their coaches, managers, parents,Referees, clubs, organizations and hosting tournament or gaming circuit. The opposing coach is literally on the bottom of that list. God forbid If something would've happened to any kids on your team due to exhaustion or anything close it certainly wouldn't have been the other coaches fault. Really ???? What sense does that make. Don't get it twisted, Doesn't mean I don't care or sypathize or whatever it's just the facts Mam, the other coach isn't the guy responsible for the things your claiming he should be or should've been.
And BTW for the record Metcalf is a long time Firefighter and his wife a long time school teacher. Hardly the crowd to forgo children's safety. Lol.