Good News Thread

These two things are very positive in terms of future deaths in the US.

1) We are over two weeks from 55% of seniors getting at least the first shot (3/5/2021).

2) The study in Israel indicated that once half the elderly population reached two weeks from their first shot, the rise among the elderly halted

“It’s very clear that at the precise point when the variant (British variant) would have been expected to spread widely among the elderly, given this is what happened in the under-60 age group, vaccines kicked in for many of the most vulnerable,” said Prof. Dan Yamin, head of Tel Aviv University’s Laboratory for Epidemic Modeling and Analysis, one of the authors of the study.

He explained: “Until January 14 we could see there was a very clear trend of rising incidence of the British variant across all age groups. But as half of the elderly population reached two weeks after their first dose, its rise among the elderly halted — but it continued among others.”
I think I'll take the vaccine and stick with the red meat and alcohol - in moderation, of course. Maybe that gets me to "even"? ;).

Also, I am not a fan of forcing people to do things. I will always support a family's decision regarding the vaccine as a much smaller risk to society than that of allowing our government the power to force people to take it.
My wife and I always believe in free choice. Honesty is the key. I have great friend who is 100 lbs over weight. Drinks way too much booze and sleeps with one of those machines every night so he doesn't stop breathing. He went off on me yesterday for not being responsible and willing to do my part and take the double shot. I told him if I was living the way you live I would take the shots.
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As you vaccinate the at risk group(s), covid becomes less and less of a problem.

AZ has about 33% vaccinated at this point. 2.3 million have received at least 1 shot. Almost a million people 65 and over (the at risk group) have had at least one shot.

Screen Shot 2021-04-06 at 12.11.58 PM.png

And here is another graph showing age groups. You will see a high percentage of people over 65 have been vaccinated.

Remember 75% of deaths in AZ are those 65 and over. And as of now about 75% have had at least 1 shot.

Screen Shot 2021-04-06 at 12.14.43 PM.png
Have to say I'm pleasantly surprised...not that he hasn't moved goalposts before. To his credit he has been moving the goalposts closer (under intense pressure) the last couple months. Curious to see how the teachers unions handle this in September.


This sounds like a good use of COVID Relief Funds.
I love this. Kids play free and coaches get paid through education funds and exercise funds. I was going to be a big time PE teacher and coach hoops in HS in early 90s. However, I met someone who talked me out of it and I'm super glad I bailed on that idea. Math teacher and Science teacher ((not all)) didnt like PE or sports and felt that PE is waste of time. 30 some years later and I know who has been wasting our time and allowing most of the kids to be obese. This needs to stop. Look at most of the teenage boys today. We should take all video games and phones away during the day. Day time is outside play time.


If you have high blood pressure and high cholesterol, then try these out. When I had my triple chin and was living the high life ((so I thought)), I was not healthy but wanted to be. My wife saved my physical body and I saved my spiritual body and together were one big happy unit of bliss :)

P.S. I weigh 175, yay!!!!!!

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This is great news. I think most people probably already knew this but this is further confirmation..

Keep the dream alive!!!!! Scoreboard!!!!


"I just googled “Canada’s most decorated Olympian” and my name came up. I want to thank that teacher in high school who told me to stop swimming to focus on school bc swimming wouldn’t get me anywhere. This is what dreams are made of." Penny from Canada

"Also in reference to my last tweet no shade at all towards teachers in general, my sister is a teacher and I see her inspiring kids everyday.. Most of my teachers saw the vision and pushed me towards it. That one who constantly dragged me down though,, WOAT." Penny