Your point is taken and respected.
My point is...although far from perfect, this is the current club system we have. I see it's general intended purpose as organizing home clubs into home teams with home teammates to develop and bond year round and compete against others at the fairest levels of competition.
This is what I feel most have signed up for and expect. Many invest a lot of time, money and travel into this system and expect to play against other home rostered teams in serious tournaments.(understanding the need for guest players as recruiting and/or missing player replacement).
For those who feel the need to stack teams against rostered teams... what's the point? If you have a problem with the current system...then don't join or start your own stacked team league.
I understand the kids won't remember this later in life... But this is our current life and this club system, although not perfect, is all we've got...I just don't appreciate some parents screwing with it.