Girls Development Academy

And now a message from your President, Mr The Donald Trump,
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You are welcome, snowflake.
Sorry Agent Orange is doing nothing for this country! Making Americans Stupid Again. Besides who is the real snowflake here??? Y'all are sensitive AF.

Now, let's get back on topic! I'll even try to redirect.

I read earlier that athletes who play two sports are staying put in ECNL? In the 2004 thread someone suggested that people were paying for tryouts for GDA? Is that true?
Sorry Agent Orange is doing nothing for this country! Making Americans Stupid Again. Besides who is the real snowflake here??? Y'all are sensitive AF.

Now, let's get back on topic! I'll even try to redirect.

I read earlier that athletes who play two sports are staying put in ECNL? In the 2004 thread someone suggested that people were paying for tryouts for GDA? Is that true?

My daughter is a dual sport athlete and we are doing DA. We have time since it officially starts Aug. We are in middle school though and in my area we noticed the ECNL teams are the majority of the former B and C team players.
I have not heard or anyone paying for a DA tryout. I have heard of a club wanting to be paid for "tryout session" but it wasn't a DA.
Hey sorry I haven't been on in a while. The difference is although ECNL wasn't in every city, you could still discovery play if parents were willing to drive. DA has cut that. So my kid ( who has played with or against every elite 03 in socal, in several formats, and can and should remain with that group) is now shut out. That's my issue. Or it was. I e since gotten over it lol. My DD looked at our options and made a choice. I'm lucky she'll be an 8th grader next year so we can see how this all shakes out.

Very confused here because DP is an option in DA and the coach can carry them ?
I was kinda trying to make the point that if they were actually interested in development, they would get involved at ulittles. I tend to agree with everything you are saying.

One of the mandates initially was a DA coach also had to a have a "developmental team". I know at our club this was a big deal because people actually were excited that a B or C team would have a "star coach". This faded away but when the concept was rolled out it made sense to me.
I know women have no pathway to any real money or career but Two posters on here are very accurate In that you should look at the boys academy and the good/bad points and make decisions based on FACTS that are readily available. I also think that most parents are not aware of the philosophy and structure of program. A parent said yesterday "my daughter will just go crazy if she doesn't play games and tourneys and all she does is practice". That isn't DA. That parent made the wrong choice.
What type am I? I didn't start it, snowflake.

Your type?

The rest of us are discussing the futures of our badass daughters of all races and religions who will one day become badass women. The same sort of women Trump calls "nasty"' ,rates numerically (remember you can't be a 10 without big boobs), says you have to tread like shit, grabs the genitals of without consent, etc. Your type then of course chimes in with a lameass insult and a creepy picture of our modern-day hitler.

Your type also has a few screws lose, as evidenced by that post, so you're not worth engaging. Bye.
Local guy told me "my DD is going to be on the DA 2 team. This means she can play with her team, the DA1 team and the ECNL team". He seemed to think DA2 is the best thing going.
Wonder how that Kool Aid tastes now? Wonder if he'll continue shopping.
Local guy told me "my DD is going to be on the DA 2 team. This means she can play with her team, the DA1 team and the ECNL team". He seemed to think DA2 is the best thing going.
Wonder how that Kool Aid tastes now? Wonder if he'll continue shopping.

No this is just a parent who needs to be educated. They have no concept of Discovery players and when they can be utilized. I would expect any DP to be chosen until Oct anyway.
Reminder people can be added until Oct - what the Academy roster looks like now will be very different in Oct I believe. We still have lots of time for movement
Your type?

The rest of us are discussing the futures of our badass daughters of all races and religions who will one day become badass women. The same sort of women Trump calls "nasty"' ,rates numerically (remember you can't be a 10 without big boobs), says you have to tread like shit, grabs the genitals of without consent, etc. Your type then of course chimes in with a lameass insult and a creepy picture of our modern-day hitler.

Your type also has a few screws lose, as evidenced by that post, so you're not worth engaging. Bye.

I can't see who you are messaging because I use the ignore function. If a poster is rude just ignore them on their home page and it goes away. Lots of asinine people here need to be put on ignore~ that clown spends all his time debating politics in another part of the forum I wish they would go back to their sandbox and argue
Your type?

The rest of us are discussing the futures of our badass daughters of all races and religions who will one day become badass women. The same sort of women Trump calls "nasty"' ,rates numerically (remember you can't be a 10 without big boobs), says you have to tread like shit, grabs the genitals of without consent, etc. Your type then of course chimes in with a lameass insult and a creepy picture of our modern-day hitler.

Your type also has a few screws lose, as evidenced by that post, so you're not worth engaging. Bye.
You and yours started the political discussion, I am merely contributing some deep and meaningful points,
but I will leave you snowflakes alone.
I am sorry I intruded into your safe space.
One last question,
which one are you?
I can't see who you are messaging because I use the ignore function. If a poster is rude just ignore them on their home page and it goes away. Lots of asinine people here need to be put on ignore~ that clown spends all his time debating politics in another part of the forum I wish they would go back to their sandbox and argue

I just ignored. What a loser.
My daughter is a dual sport athlete and we are doing DA. We have time since it officially starts Aug. We are in middle school though and in my area we noticed the ECNL teams are the majority of the former B and C team players.
I have not heard or anyone paying for a DA tryout. I have heard of a club wanting to be paid for "tryout session" but it wasn't a DA.

For hopeful prospective girls DA players doing anything other than track or a short seasonal thing + a 10-month soccer program is going to very challenging. Middle school might make that task easier but with the demands of the 3-4x practices, games on the weekend plus school work doesn't leave a lot of time for much else.

In either case consider being up front with the soccer coach, they will notice or find out eventually either way most of the time sooner or later.

What typically happens with new prospective DA players is they get a initial group together they play in spring, players are coming and going. The tournaments come along some players rise & fall, new ones are added to see how they do at the next tournament or training for a few weeks. The pool of players narrows and teams/coaches start to think about there potential rosters, typically some last minute bubble decisions are players trying to switch, around august things get real and the registration process starts.

Bottom line long way to go and some coaches will choose the most dedicated players full committed. I've seen several outstanding players not make it to the end of the process of a number of reason , each case can be different but it can be higher competitive for those DA roster slots, players missing the training, practices, scrimmages, tourneys, or showing up tired is not in there best interest unless cleared with the coaches in advance.

Pats used to do the pay to play 6 week potential DA trial deal for new teams on the boys side but not sure they are still doing that?

Doubt you will see different rules and regs for boys vs girls, what you see now might be slightly modified but there will likely just be one set that applies to both.
For hopeful prospective girls DA players doing anything other than track or a short seasonal thing + a 10-month soccer program is going to very challenging. Middle school might make that task easier but with the demands of the 3-4x practices, games on the weekend plus school work doesn't leave a lot of time for much else.

In either case consider being up front with the soccer coach, they will notice or find out eventually either way most of the time sooner or later.

What typically happens with new prospective DA players is they get a initial group together they play in spring, players are coming and going. The tournaments come along some players rise & fall, new ones are added to see how they do at the next tournament or training for a few weeks. The pool of players narrows and teams/coaches start to think about there potential rosters, typically some last minute bubble decisions are players trying to switch, around august things get real and the registration process starts.

Bottom line long way to go and some coaches will choose the most dedicated players full committed. I've seen several outstanding players not make it to the end of the process of a number of reason , each case can be different but it can be higher competitive for those DA roster slots, players missing the training, practices, scrimmages, tourneys, or showing up tired is not in there best interest unless cleared with the coaches in advance.

Pats used to do the pay to play 6 week potential DA trial deal for new teams on the boys side but not sure they are still doing that?

Doubt you will see different rules and regs for boys vs girls, what you see now might be slightly modified but there will likely just be one set that applies to both.

Academy is doable with a track season which you pointed out. I think what the girls families do not get yet though is exactly what you pointed out:
1. It's no longer about a "team" it's player
2. The roster will change significantly between now and August
3. Their practices from April to August will more than likely have a number of people who want to move from a different team onto their Academy team

What is your thought on this though? In SoCal girls seem to move around a lot and we have a high number of club hoppers. I have several nephews in Academy and they tell me that transferring from one Academy to another is not easy and requires letters etc. granted they are at the premier one in Dallas but they say it's not easy. How is it here?
Also noticing a lot of hate on here for certain clubs.
Some clubs do Boys Academy very very well. People may want to temper their reactions until they look at boys success of academies across the spectrum. This is a new system and if a club does it well on the boys side I would think the would have a good shot on the girls as well.
Of course certain clubs wouldn't want you to ever look at their boys Academy though...