For hopeful prospective girls DA players doing anything other than track or a short seasonal thing + a 10-month soccer program is going to very challenging. Middle school might make that task easier but with the demands of the 3-4x practices, games on the weekend plus school work doesn't leave a lot of time for much else.
In either case consider being up front with the soccer coach, they will notice or find out eventually either way most of the time sooner or later.
What typically happens with new prospective DA players is they get a initial group together they play in spring, players are coming and going. The tournaments come along some players rise & fall, new ones are added to see how they do at the next tournament or training for a few weeks. The pool of players narrows and teams/coaches start to think about there potential rosters, typically some last minute bubble decisions are players trying to switch, around august things get real and the registration process starts.
Bottom line long way to go and some coaches will choose the most dedicated players full committed. I've seen several outstanding players not make it to the end of the process of a number of reason , each case can be different but it can be higher competitive for those DA roster slots, players missing the training, practices, scrimmages, tourneys, or showing up tired is not in there best interest unless cleared with the coaches in advance.
Pats used to do the pay to play 6 week potential DA trial deal for new teams on the boys side but not sure they are still doing that?
Doubt you will see different rules and regs for boys vs girls, what you see now might be slightly modified but there will likely just be one set that applies to both.