USSDA made a statement to the DA clubs to stop promoting DAII, as it is not sanctioned by USSDA. It doesn't sound like there is any sort of real plan for this league anyways, beyond a few clubs having discussions about it.
This is correct. As of a phone call on earlier this week DA II died. US Soccer made it very clear they were not supporting it, not sanctioning it and would have no part of it. Think about it, boys DA has been in existence for almost 10 years. If US Soccer wanted a DA II program they would have implemented it on the boys side years ago. Several of the bozos from clubs heavily promoting DA II were whining over it. MD, BR, NG all begged and pleaded because they had promised their families something that never existed. Asking US Soccer "what are we supposed to tell our families now?" US Soccer said "Not our problem you spoke out of turn". These guys are the main offenders of making empty promises thinking they could push US Soccer in to doing what they wanted. Truth be told, they probably chased US Soccer away with all of their ridiculous ideas and requests. They can all be overbearing, whiny and have a strong sense of entitlement for no reason.
I must admit I thought DA II would eventually happen. In fact the clubs wanting DA II are still planning to meet to try and salvage the promises they falsely made. Several problems with this non-existent program....
1. They want a fall/spring league. This means Cal South won't sanction it because it takes the teams out of National Cup. They can't play National Cup and Spring League games, there aren't enough play dates AND this league would conflict directly with CRL which is the feather in Cal South's cap.
2. They could sanction it through US Club but that means no USYS National Cup. Only NPL/US Club Cup (leaves ALOT to be desired).
3. There are no other DA II programs anywhere else so no showcase, no playoffs, no exposure = no motivation for the players or families to buy in to this flat program.
4. So for teams that have a fall/spring league with no hopes of playoffs, National Cup or showcases, what's left?
5. Players won't be registered through US Soccer like the bozo brigade promised so they can't say the are "DA" players. This was always lipstick on a pig anyways. You either ARE or you AREN'T a DA player. Trying to disguise it by calling it DA II league with high school doesn't make you a DA player.
So they are going to try and figure out the escape plan. They will try and figure out how to make it happen but that will be a massive challenge. Honestly, the B team players are better off on the path they are currently on. Play fall league, play high school, play National Cup, qualify in to CRL, play showcase events summer and spring (because now with the DA teams OUT of those events there is more room for the B teams) and work to find the best college showcase opportunities possible. There are plenty of showcases out there where college coaches show up. Playing in a DA II doesn't provide any type of exposure directly from the league so why change the model?
It all boils down to a massive unsubstantiated sales pitch and undeliverable promises by DOC's who are trying to make more $$$ and keep players who don't make DA teams from leaving to go play for other clubs.
It will be interesting to see what the bozo brigade comes up with next.