As a parent in today's soccer we better all know the main object is money. That's why we act as our kids agents and find them the best club for their development on the road to riches (scholarships, pro team, yada yada).
As a life time sales rep I just don't know if I agree US Soccer believes they don't have to show results to get the AMOUNT of money they want. With both my kids playing DA now there has been a very clear move to producing a high level product (players playing productive, winning and beautiful soccer) with HUGE investments coming in at the club level. Now that may be the clubs (lucky us) we have chosen/been chosen by, but I'm seeing a movement towards this with the competitors also.
Another factor is competing federations are starting to snatch up our "not as marketable" higher level talent on the girls side. With these other federations starting to see success with American born/raised players and the players being open to going, it is changing the playing field a bit. No longer does US Soccer have to put all it's top talent on the US teams to show it is building / developing productive high level players that are international worthy.
Many of my kids teammates have opportunities outside the US. So many can play for the Philippines, Mexico, Nigeria, Sweden, Jamaica, Costa Rica, etc.... And are doing that at the youth level teams (this is the girls as the boys are too young). More power to them. If your kid can play in the Olympics and World Cup and the US doesn't want them, oh well. Get in where you fit in.
My point is this is a win win for the players and US Soccer when we play it right and stay focused on the long term goals of college scholarships and keeping these damn kids out of trouble so they can have productive adult lives. Some of us know who the big pimps on the block are. US Soccer, NCAA, ECNL, the Clubs. We are navigating the red light district the best we can without being used and abused ourselves.
You are missing the boat. Do the players want a lucrative professional playing career for the next 10-15 years or do they want to just try to help the US win a world cup
Thing is, this is the system we have. I can hate it, but my kids love the game and are playing at the higher levels so I have to buy in, but with open eyes. See the pitfalls, listen to the vets and get them to the finish line wherever that ends up.