Hi SoccerFan4Life,
This just happened to my 8 year old daugther. I told her this afternoon. She was sad and had some tears. But its for the best. It was not much of surprise for me, but I was worried about how she would feel. She is upset, but happy she can still play and will make the best out of the new opportunity next season. Thank you for your advice.
That's great. As parents we know that things will get better for our kids as long as they are willing to put the extra hours moving forward.
If you can find an indoor league (futsal would be ideal), go for it. The amount of touches that your kid will get will help her develop quickly. Brazilian kid are not playing in OC Park fields at a young age. They are all playing futsal in the streets or in small cement fields. In my area US5 in Norwalk is the real deal. My 12 year old dd has been recently playing against 10-12 year old boys. She has improved significantly thanks to indoor.