From Russia With Love

“I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.“

- - Donald Trumpo, May 30, 2019

At least he read the report, unlike the usual gang of idiots here.

Right on....Russia did it all on " Their " own....very poorly I might add.

Hey Bob....put some childish " Finger " painting up, fits your character
quite nicely.
By reiterating that it would have been unfair to t to have accused him with a crime knowing there would be no day in a court? . . . that it's now in the hands of Congress? You are a buffoon, keep trying.

What Crime has been committed that warrants Congress pursuing Impeachment....

You're on a Fools errand trying to support the Democrats Criminal motives.....
What Crime has been committed that warrants Congress pursuing Impeachment....

You're on a Fools errand trying to support the Democrats Criminal motives.....
Read the report, 10 counts of obstruction of justice and one count of pleading with Russia for help (+ hundreds of campaign contacts, including sharing polling data, with Russians that were hidden, lied about, then finally when nailed down, admitted to). Most corrupt administration in history (Pol Pat was more honest).
Read the report, 10 counts of obstruction of justice and one count of pleading with Russia for help (+ hundreds of campaign contacts, including sharing polling data, with Russians that were hidden, lied about, then finally when nailed down, admitted to). Most corrupt administration in history (Pol Pat was more honest).
Frankly, I thought Pol Pat was dishonest. But Pol Pot, honest. Mass murderous. But honest.
Read the report, 10 counts of obstruction of justice and one count of pleading with Russia for help (+ hundreds of campaign contacts, including sharing polling data, with Russians that were hidden, lied about, then finally when nailed down, admitted to). Most corrupt administration in history (Pol Pat was more honest).
numbnuts doesn’t read. No point suggesting the obvious of reading the report itself. I’ve known guys like him that hated An Inconvenient Truth. Asked what parts they hated, they hadn’t seen the film. numbnuts is cut from the same worn denim overalls.
By reiterating that it would have been unfair to t to have accused him with a crime knowing there would be no day in a court? . . . that it's now in the hands of Congress? You are a buffoon, keep trying.
Wait, you buffoons trumpeteered Mueller for two years only to now trumpet the “no day in court” clause? Lmao! Fries U! What a deal!
Read the report, 10 counts of obstruction of justice and one count of pleading with Russia for help (+ hundreds of campaign contacts, including sharing polling data, with Russians that were hidden, lied about, then finally when nailed down, admitted to). Most corrupt administration in history (Pol Pat was more honest).
QUOTE="Hüsker Dü, post: 267578, member: 1707"

Read the report,
10 counts of obstruction of justice
Every one FALSE and FAKE...

and one count of pleading with Russia for help
Really....he was on LIVE TV and it was PURE sarcasm....
If you for one iota think that constitutes a CRIME, you're
a LOT more ignorant than I have stated you are...My God.

(+ hundreds of campaign contacts,
Absolutely FAKE and FALSE !

including sharing polling data,
Misleading and Worthless Dirty Cop Charge.

with Russians that were hidden,
Lies, Lies, Lies.....

lied about,
Lies about fabricated Lies....

then finally when nailed down, admitted to).
Perjury traps not admittance....

Most corrupt administration in history

(Pol Pat was more honest).
Just Dumb......


I've read the report......Now what CRIME did he commit.

Cite the Crime and statute broken....

You ain't got squat !
Read the report, 10 counts of obstruction of justice and one count of pleading with Russia for help (+ hundreds of campaign contacts, including sharing polling data, with Russians that were hidden, lied about, then finally when nailed down, admitted to). Most corrupt administration in history (Pol Pat was more honest).
When that numbnut claims to have read the report, have him cite the federal codes Mueller carefully and methodically cites at the outset of each of the 10 specific acts of obstruction of justice. Mueller was frankly over killing on the laws Trumpo broke.

But he knew nincompoops like numbnuts would lie about reading the report, and spew venom about “where is the crime”. Classic nutter behavior.
numbnuts doesn’t read. No point suggesting the obvious of reading the report itself. I’ve known guys like him that hated An Inconvenient Truth. Asked what parts they hated, they hadn’t seen the film. numbnuts is cut from the same worn denim overalls.

Or guys that hated the ACA health law, but liked almost all of its parts when presented separately. The only part they didn't like was that you had to pay for it, while at the same time they claimed to be "conservative".
Or guys that hated the ACA health law, but liked almost all of its parts when presented separately. The only part they didn't like was that you had to pay for it, while at the same time they claimed to be "conservative".
If people had to actually pay for ACA that would have been better. But you clueless wonders are missing what is actually paid for and by whom. Fries u! What a deal.
Read the report, 10 counts of obstruction of justice and one count of pleading with Russia for help (+ hundreds of campaign contacts, including sharing polling data, with Russians that were hidden, lied about, then finally when nailed down, admitted to). Most corrupt administration in history (Pol Pat was more honest).
Says who?