From Russia With Love

With these trump sychophants I have zero sympathy because they don’t use toilet paper or forks.

What I heard is even worse. nono doesn't like to use toilet paper, wash his hands or use a fork.
If he ever invites you out to dinner, all Ima say is do not let him talk you into sharing the dishes family style.
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He said it! He said he’d date her!

What yur implying is from yur mind ...
How was it done in the past with yur kind....
That's something you wouldn't like....
Not even hanging from a kite....
Should it extend from a pole...
Could we bury it in a hole.....
Toss it over the side of a boat...
Let the crocks eat it in a moat......
Burn it in an oven to a crisp....
Let the ashes loose in the mist....
Maybe rid thee of thy tongue...
Nah, just paddle the crap out of his bung....
The Steele Report. It has Cohen meeting Russians in Prague. Cohen denied that. Cohen’s a liar. So his meeting is true. So the entire report is true. Thought so.

Good thing the Republicans running against Trump in the primary initiated the funding for Steele’s stellar work. Would not have been done otherwise.