From Russia With Love

The Moscow lawyer said to have promised Donald Trump's presidential campaign dirt on his Democratic opponent worked more closely with senior Russian government officials than she previously let on, according to documents reviewed by The Associated Press.

Scores of emails, transcripts and legal documents paint a portrait of Natalia Veselnitskaya as a well-connected attorney who served as a ghostwriter for top Russian government lawyers and received assistance from senior Interior Ministry personnel in a case involving a key client.
Fake News
We're past the point where this is going away.
Moreover ours is a system of checks and balances. If you're going to avoid talking under oath, hide you're accounting, refuse to put your empire under some sort of "blind-trust" leadership while you're leader of the free world... then there are going to be questions asked. I'm very interested in how long Trump can continue to avoid answering them.
In the spirit of Shark Weeks, You're going to need a bigger boat.
Funny how easily you dismiss all doubts about the world's highest paid golfers finances...

Personally I believe in accountability.
And for me, it both seems reasonable to ask that a sitting President show that he hasn't profited /profiting from his position, and is also a resounding response to allegations of corruption/conspiracy/Trump Tower Loan irregularities/etc to release his tax records. If he isn't personally profiting from his politics then I don't see how there could have been a crime committed. Regardless of how happy that makes anyone of any political stripe.
American Politicians profiting from their position? Who would've thought?!! How many of them profited prior to becoming a politician?