From Russia With Love

Funny how you can't tell why you say the things you do, "It's just cuz!" . . . just cuz you've been programmed to repeat and believe what you are told to, no questions asked.
Funny how you can't tell why you say the things you do, "It's just cuz!" . . . just cuz you've been programmed to repeat and believe what you are told to, no questions asked.

A little while back, in a moment of weakness, he disclosed the identity of his twitter master.
Trump is a big mouthed buffoon and as big a narcissist as anyone who ever held the office...
Does Trump speak Russian? Somebody was their to translate...

March 15, 2018
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration imposed sanctions on a series of Russian organizations and individuals on Thursday in retaliation for interference in the 2016 presidential election and other “malicious cyberattacks,” its most significant action against Moscow since President Trump took office.

We're past the point where this is going away.
Moreover ours is a system of checks and balances. If you're going to avoid talking under oath, hide you're accounting, refuse to put your empire under some sort of "blind-trust" leadership while you're leader of the free world... then there are going to be questions asked. I'm very interested in how long Trump can continue to avoid answering them.
We're past the point where this is going away.
Moreover ours is a system of checks and balances. If you're going to avoid talking under oath, hide you're accounting, refuse to put your empire under some sort of "blind-trust" leadership while you're leader of the free world... then there are going to be questions asked. I'm very interested in how long Trump can continue to avoid answering them.
We're you upset when the FBI didn't question Clinton under oath or take the dnc's server they say was hacked?
A little while back, in a moment of weakness, he disclosed the identity of his twitter master.
The plumber is a wacko now . . . at least he plays one on TV. Maybe the plumber is like all the other frustrated wannabe Hollywood types circling around Trump? Lashing out cuz they were never recognized for their talent.
Why? Because they were told to feel that way? Trump got shitty grades, Bush wasn't a Rhodes Scholar, why pick on Obama? Tax returns are bit more important as far as knowing who are president is in debt to, but you don't "give a shit" when it comes to this particular president.
I don't give a shit.
Personally I'd be happy just seeing Trumps tax records for the last couple decades. Through the bankruptcy's and the bailouts. That would calm me down.

But the of course Trump won't even agree to meet with Muller, so somehow I see my getting my request of getting a peek at the paper trail going unanswered. And the concerns that something is being hidden from voters will continue.
ohhhh the collusion
We're past the point where this is going away.
Moreover ours is a system of checks and balances. If you're going to avoid talking under oath, hide you're accounting, refuse to put your empire under some sort of "blind-trust" leadership while you're leader of the free world... then there are going to be questions asked. I'm very interested in how long Trump can continue to avoid answering them.
Of course we are...let's investigate collussion, if none is found, let's look elsewhere.