From Russia With Love

A half hour watching Hannity is more than enough heroin to de-code the deep state’s current convoluted Bizarro-America view. And there’s the side effect of loose bowels, if any constipation issues are present.

I never tire of seeing your toilet bowl brain spill over with at least half an hour of DNC
excrement and some how finding it's way onto the forum thru your soiled finger tips...
the relief is knowing you have the joy of the cleaning up your putrid mess within the
depths of that syphilis polluted grey matter....Tipping your aged cranium to one side
or another parallel to the dung bucket your typing on will enable the green infection
to dribble out and temporarily relieve the pain you are experiencing at the moment....
Remember to wipe.....Bob.
You see my bud Hof won whatever primary he was in. MAGA !!! Cathouse owners in GOP legislative seats. Joining GOP klansmen, pedophiles, cross dressers, wide stance men’s room sitters, etc.
No pertinent issue from the pee pee dossier has been disproven, right? Check.

No other reason for this thread to jump to the top. Naturally.
You raped a squirrel in your back yard.
Disprove it.
I murder yard rats, not squirrels. By electrocution actually. So I can chuck them out to the open space for food for snakes, hawks, coyotes, etc. No poison in the food chain. Victor makes an electrocution chamber. Who knew? However, squirrels aren’t stupid enough to fall for the peanut butter.

Not to say I’d not murder the squirrels if I had my druthers. Annoying varmits. But they stay out of the garage, so I tolerate them for now.

Jesus. Sounding like Espola. Soon I’ll be listing the serial numbers on shipping containers on passing trains. If we had a nearby train line.

Which we most certainly do NOT.
I murder yard rats, not squirrels. By electrocution actually. So I can chuck them out to the open space for food for snakes, hawks, coyotes, etc. No poison in the food chain. Victor makes an electrocution chamber. Who knew? However, squirrels aren’t stupid enough to fall for the peanut butter.

Not to say I’d not murder the squirrels if I had my druthers. Annoying varmits. But they stay out of the garage, so I tolerate them for now.

Jesus. Sounding like Espola. Soon I’ll be listing the serial numbers on shipping containers on passing trains. If we had a nearby train line.

Which we most certainly do NOT.

You failed to disprove my dossier.
I share your animus toward ground squirrels, but do not share your sexual attraction toward the varmints.
You failed to disprove my dossier.
I share your animus toward ground squirrels, but do not share your sexual attraction toward the varmints.
Does your dossier contain as many already proven true disgusting, illegal, immoral, unethical and depraved actions by Trump as the Steele series of memos contain?
Does your dossier contain as many already proven true disgusting, illegal, immoral, unethical and depraved actions by Trump as the Steele series of memos contain?
Even more.
If squirrel rape were a crime, you'd be, well,...a criminal.
Im sure the list of Trump crimes in that dossier, are more than enough to impeach him and keep him in prison forever.
Even more.
If squirrel rape were a crime, you'd be, well,...a criminal.
Im sure the list of Trump crimes in that dossier, are more than enough to impeach him and keep him in prison forever.
I truly don’t mean to insult you, but I watched 15 minutes of Hannity this week, and frankly, you sound a lot like his alternative world view. Loretta Lynch, deep state, Democrats control things. Those were his talking points for as long as I listened in.

My opinion: read a variety of publications along the spectrum of political leanings, as well as on line and television sources. Then synthesize and draw your own opinions.

Then we might have a chance to hold a civil discussion on current political events. As long as you are going to rely upon one close minded bubble, no intelligent discourse is rationally possible.
I murder yard rats, not squirrels. By electrocution actually. So I can chuck them out to the open space for food for snakes, hawks, coyotes, etc. No poison in the food chain. Victor makes an electrocution chamber. Who knew? However, squirrels aren’t stupid enough to fall for the peanut butter.

Not to say I’d not murder the squirrels if I had my druthers. Annoying varmits. But they stay out of the garage, so I tolerate them for now.

Jesus. Sounding like Espola. Soon I’ll be listing the serial numbers on shipping containers on passing trains. If we had a nearby train line.

Which we most certainly do NOT.

That was dimensions on shipping containers, not serial numbers, and on trucks, not trains. Try to keep up.
I truly don’t mean to insult you, but I watched 15 minutes of Hannity this week, and frankly, you sound a lot like his alternative world view. Loretta Lynch, deep state, Democrats control things. Those were his talking points for as long as I listened in.

My opinion: read a variety of publications along the spectrum of political leanings, as well as on line and television sources. Then synthesize and draw your own opinions.

Then we might have a chance to hold a civil discussion on current political events. As long as you are going to rely upon one close minded bubble, no intelligent discourse is rationally possible.
The squirrel rape.
You have yet to disprove any of it.
You can point fingers at me and my dossier, but the charge is that you wrapped a squirrel in duct tape and physically one handed it for your own pleasure.
Thankfully, the squirrel is ok, due to the "small caliber of the weapon".
That was dimensions on shipping containers, not serial numbers, and on trucks, not trains. Try to keep up.
I remember it was the serial numbers. On the original soccer kitchen forum. You listed serial numbers. Insane. I was probably “Tony Clifton” at the time. Possibly “Andy Kaufman”. Both were banned for indisputably content-violative posts. Double entendres re hot soccer moms. Way over the line, as Dominic then defined it. No defense, frankly. Fair cop.

Now he’s pretty much given up any police work with bad language, content, etc.

Although I never used dirty words in my Tony/Andy posts. Plenty of innuendo, admittedly. Ban-worthy? You bet.

But you have to know that there was at least a small thong of soccer moms that privately emailed me they loved being referenced by their kids’ soccer clubs as “hot moms” within the ribald stories I’d concoct about them in the GU98 age group.

It started from a combination of three convergent themes I’d read over the time period. Maybe 10 years back.

One, personally seeing a handful of moms from a team in a Redlands area tournament each wearing spaghetti strapped tank tops on a cool day, and nothing else up there, bouncing about with obvious intent for roaming soccer dad eyes.

Two, the back handed “A friend told me” posts an occasional dad would make to promote his daughters momentarily successful bronze team as the second coming of a national team roster, clueless of the myriad of higher level players/teams from silver to premier. Bronze Elite became the running joke.

Three, the outrage my fake personas would attract from nincompoops that were clueless of the inside joke being played. “Mike” was especially humorless about it all. As was bruinkicker. Between them and Dominic, I knew they all hated my antics.

This trifecta yielded months of ribald stories of alien abductions replete with the usual anal probing, as well as hot soccer moms from GU98 teams I randomly included in over the top stories I wrote on the spot, no forethought or outlines.

Alas, all good things come to an end.

Now this remnant of an off topic forum is left with a half dozen Trump fascists regularly defending the indefensible against both reason and history.
I remember it was the serial numbers. On the original soccer kitchen forum. You listed serial numbers. Insane. I was probably “Tony Clifton” at the time. Possibly “Andy Kaufman”. Both were banned for indisputably content-violative posts. Double entendres re hot soccer moms. Way over the line, as Dominic then defined it. No defense, frankly. Fair cop.

Now he’s pretty much given up any police work with bad language, content, etc.

Although I never used dirty words in my Tony/Andy posts. Plenty of innuendo, admittedly. Ban-worthy? You bet.

But you have to know that there was at least a small thong of soccer moms that privately emailed me they loved being referenced by their kids’ soccer clubs as “hot moms” within the ribald stories I’d concoct about them in the GU98 age group.

It started from a combination of three convergent themes I’d read over the time period. Maybe 10 years back.

One, personally seeing a handful of moms from a team in a Redlands area tournament each wearing spaghetti strapped tank tops on a cool day, and nothing else up there, bouncing about with obvious intent for roaming soccer dad eyes.

Two, the back handed “A friend told me” posts an occasional dad would make to promote his daughters momentarily successful bronze team as the second coming of a national team roster, clueless of the myriad of higher level players/teams from silver to premier. Bronze Elite became the running joke.

Three, the outrage my fake personas would attract from nincompoops that were clueless of the inside joke being played. “Mike” was especially humorless about it all. As was bruinkicker. Between them and Dominic, I knew they all hated my antics.

This trifecta yielded months of ribald stories of alien abductions replete with the usual anal probing, as well as hot soccer moms from GU98 teams I randomly included in over the top stories I wrote on the spot, no forethought or outlines.

Alas, all good things come to an end.

Now this remnant of an off topic forum is left with a half dozen Trump fascists regularly defending the indefensible against both reason and history.
Will you finally spill the bag of rats?