That was dimensions on shipping containers, not serial numbers, and on trucks, not trains. Try to keep up.
I remember it was the serial numbers. On the original soccer kitchen forum. You listed serial numbers. Insane. I was probably “Tony Clifton” at the time. Possibly “Andy Kaufman”. Both were banned for indisputably content-violative posts. Double entendres re hot soccer moms. Way over the line, as Dominic then defined it. No defense, frankly. Fair cop.
Now he’s pretty much given up any police work with bad language, content, etc.
Although I never used dirty words in my Tony/Andy posts. Plenty of innuendo, admittedly. Ban-worthy? You bet.
But you have to know that there was at least a small thong of soccer moms that privately emailed me they loved being referenced by their kids’ soccer clubs as “hot moms” within the ribald stories I’d concoct about them in the GU98 age group.
It started from a combination of three convergent themes I’d read over the time period. Maybe 10 years back.
One, personally seeing a handful of moms from a team in a Redlands area tournament each wearing spaghetti strapped tank tops on a cool day, and nothing else up there, bouncing about with obvious intent for roaming soccer dad eyes.
Two, the back handed “A friend told me” posts an occasional dad would make to promote his daughters momentarily successful bronze team as the second coming of a national team roster, clueless of the myriad of higher level players/teams from silver to premier. Bronze Elite became the running joke.
Three, the outrage my fake personas would attract from nincompoops that were clueless of the inside joke being played. “Mike” was especially humorless about it all. As was bruinkicker. Between them and Dominic, I knew they all hated my antics.
This trifecta yielded months of ribald stories of alien abductions replete with the usual anal probing, as well as hot soccer moms from GU98 teams I randomly included in over the top stories I wrote on the spot, no forethought or outlines.
Alas, all good things come to an end.
Now this remnant of an off topic forum is left with a half dozen Trump fascists regularly defending the indefensible against both reason and history.