From Russia With Love

Idk... I think making the Scouts more inclusive is a smart move that will keep the organization relevant.

As to Muller going to jail? Hmm... you think the same Republican Congress that requested a special council is now going to lock that special council in jail? Just don't think I can agree with you on this one.

Also Hillary Clinton again. You still haven't explained why it is you seem to think bringing up the name Hillary makes Trump less innocent or guilty? I'm just curious how you see that working...

Here let me use good ole MSM ( CNN ) Logic for you.....

If Donald Trump took an Apple ( One ).........


And Hillary Rodham Clinton Stole a massive pile of Banana's ........


Would you still " Love " to smell Hillary's Feet as you now do.......

Come on tell the " TRUTH " !
Jade Helm doesnt even make the top 10.
Trump-Russia "collusion to steal the election" is probably the most ridiculous conspiracy theory to be shamelessly parroted by the MSM.
AGW is the biggest worldwide.

Well, you didn't say "guilty" so we should presume you are innocent, even though your past performance would indicate strongly that you are gullible enough to believe it.
I see you are still punching the "like" and "agree" buttons for 4nos.

Did you know the word "gullible" does not appear in any on-line dictionary?

Hey Lyin Perv THIEF !

adjective: gullible
easily persuaded to believe something; credulous.
"an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money"
synonyms: credulous, naive, overtrusting, overtrustful, easily deceived, easily taken in, exploitable, dupable, impressionable, unsuspecting,

Care to explain/clarify to the FORUM what the accusations were in the Kitchen two or three Forums ago made by numerous posters........I saw the POSTS !!!!
......If you don't have the balls to confront it, use some of your stolen Dimple balls for
" Male " support.

Your " Jaded " Reputation follows YOU like a " Helm " !!!!!!!
Donald just helping his friends . . .

Moscow (AFP) - While Russia has condemned Washington for its withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, Moscow remains less exposed to the economic consequences of US sanctions than Europe and its companies could even benefit from the move.

"The deal and the lifting of sanctions in 2015 marked the return of European business to Iran. But it's unlikely they can keep doing business today, giving room to Russia," said independent political scientist Vladimir Sotnikov.

"Russia can now go ahead at full speed," he added.

"Russia wants to sell steel, transport infrastructure and other manufactured goods to Iran. The less competition from the US and the EU, the better," said Charlie Robertson, an analyst at Renaissance Capital.
Donald just helping his friends . . .

Moscow (AFP) - While Russia has condemned Washington for its withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, Moscow remains less exposed to the economic consequences of US sanctions than Europe and its companies could even benefit from the move.

"The deal and the lifting of sanctions in 2015 marked the return of European business to Iran. But it's unlikely they can keep doing business today, giving room to Russia," said independent political scientist Vladimir Sotnikov.

"Russia can now go ahead at full speed," he added.

"Russia wants to sell steel, transport infrastructure and other manufactured goods to Iran. The less competition from the US and the EU, the better," said Charlie Robertson, an analyst at Renaissance Capital.
Donald just helping his friends . . .

Moscow (AFP) - While Russia has condemned Washington for its withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, Moscow remains less exposed to the economic consequences of US sanctions than Europe and its companies could even benefit from the move.

"The deal and the lifting of sanctions in 2015 marked the return of European business to Iran. But it's unlikely they can keep doing business today, giving room to Russia," said independent political scientist Vladimir Sotnikov.

"Russia can now go ahead at full speed," he added.

"Russia wants to sell steel, transport infrastructure and other manufactured goods to Iran. The less competition from the US and the EU, the better," said Charlie Robertson, an analyst at Renaissance Capital.

Yeah that's gunna work out REAL some research, what are they going to do
overland express to the Caspian sea.....Thru the Black Sea.....
Oh they will cut the " Steel "up in little blocks and send lots of it in Kamoz and
Zil Freight Trucks in the dark of night.......
Russia will NOT help Iran like that....They are about broke. What Russia is going
to take IOU's and some Oil....I don't think so.....