US economic growth is likely to slow sharply this year and next, according to CNBC’s Fed Survey
- The average forecast for gross domestic product growth this year is just 2.3 percent, according to the CNBC Fed Survey for March, because of the trade battle and slowing global growth.
- Sixty percent still see a rate hike this year, but that’s down from 78 percent in the January survey. And now 14 percent of respondents forecast a rate cut in 2019.
- The CNBC Fed Survey was given March 14 to 17 with 43 respondents from the economics, equities and fixed income fields.
- Weaker global growth and tariffs are seen as the major culprits.
A weak outlook for growth abroad knocked about 40 basis points (or 0.4 percentage points) off of GDP forecasts this year, according to respondents, who include economists, fund managers and strategists. Tariffs — both those put in place by the Trump administration and retaliatory tariffs from other countries — are estimated to take another 20 basis points off of growth.