Essential Economics for Politicians

Did you see comey's exoneration of your candidate?
As I said, people do the crime, they do the time.
Look at Watergate, look at North Carolina right now. Flynn, Manafort. Don’t overthink it, pal.
A report will come out...maybe it will focus on the losing candidate, but that would be weird...although I’ve noticed a lot of weirdos focusing on the losing candidate... just nobody who’s responsible for bringing folks to justice.
As I said, people do the crime, they do the time.
Look at Watergate, look at North Carolina right now. Flynn, Manafort. Don’t overthink it, pal.
A report will come out...maybe it will focus on the losing candidate, but that would be weird...although I’ve noticed a lot of weirdos focusing on the losing candidate... just nobody who’s responsible for bringing folks to justice.
I never realized it was the duty of the FBI to decide if someone was to be indicted, unless of course, you know.
We all know how the electoral college works.
You want to get rid of our law enforcement agencies and justice system and I want to get rid of the electoral college. Sounds about right.
You are putting words in my mouth.
Let's just get rid of anyone who ever worked for Obama and the Clinton's, that should take care of it.
Listen. You’re probably an idiot if you don’t make money in real estate in Southern California. I don’t need to walk that back. But there’s always the possibility that you losers bought high and ran into tough times and had to sell low...Trump voters are the uneducated whites left behind amidst all the prosperity...
It was the Russians genius. Not the Trump voters. You know, the whole Mueller thing. Collusion. Lol!
As I said, people do the crime, they do the time.
Look at Watergate, look at North Carolina right now. Flynn, Manafort. Don’t overthink it, pal.
A report will come out...maybe it will focus on the losing candidate, but that would be weird...although I’ve noticed a lot of weirdos focusing on the losing candidate... just nobody who’s responsible for bringing folks to justice.
Everything BUT the number of votes the Russians stole.
It was the Russians genius. Not the Trump voters. You know, the whole Mueller thing. Collusion. Lol!
We don’t know yet, he hasn’t issued the report.
Just nailing folks for crimes related to lying about their Russian contacts so far.
I imagine Trump’s tax return may come up again soon.
Listen. You’re probably an idiot if you don’t make money in real estate in Southern California. I don’t need to walk that back. But there’s always the possibility that you losers bought high and ran into tough times and had to sell low...Trump voters are the uneducated whites left behind amidst all the prosperity...

You should get over to Staples and pick up " Old School " pencil and paper, work out
some basic math just so YOU can last the first five days of class.....right now you're
headin out to high seas with a rubber dingy that leaks as fast as you fill it up with Lies.

Oh and " Messy " yur now a ball lickin racist ta boot....