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It was the Roman date for Saturnalia, supposed to mark the Winter Solstice (and sloppy astronomy accumulated over the years makes it off from that by a few days).
So the holiday with the name "Christ" in it was designated using the Roman calendar, a date based on faulty information? I'm sure those JW 's would have something to say about that.
So the holiday with the name "Christ" in it was designated using the Roman calendar, a date based on faulty information? I'm sure those JW 's would have something to say about that.

Back in aught-zer0, December 25 might have actually been closer to Winter Solstice, but the rules for figuring leap years were off a little, and no attempt was made to correct them until 1582. For example, by the older Julian Calendar the Romans used today's date would be December 2.
I took a trip out to Oceanside pier yesterday to enjoy the nice weather. I shared a bit of my tuna sandwich with a seagull, which meant all his brother seagulls within a mile thought I was their friend, and also a good share of their relatives the pigeons. Further out, I watched the Bait Shop owner feeding a couple of pelicans, one of which was tame enough to walk right into the shop begging for more.

On my way out, I passed by the JWs sitting next to their rack of free literature. The pier gig seems like a much nicer day than going door to door being yelled at. What I thought to myself was "If you guys were watching the surfers ready to call lifeguards if someone gets in trouble, then your lives would have some purpose". What I actually said to them was "Hello".

You're a frickin Creep.........
I lost another cane today. There ought to be some little two-part bluetooth device, one part goes on the device you don't want to forget, the other in your pocket. When the parts get <<settable distance>> apart from each other, the part in the pocket becomes an alarm.
I lost another cane today. There ought to be some little two-part bluetooth device, one part goes on the device you don't want to forget, the other in your pocket. When the parts get <<settable distance>> apart from each other, the part in the pocket becomes an alarm.
So you want to put a vibrator in your pocket? Sounds about right..
A couple of pages back in my scrapbook, my grandfather and his Belgians. He bought them cheap because the previous owner couldn't get them to work. Supposedly he bribed them with chewing tobacco, and they made his living.
Liar.. prove it. You are infatuated with mens urinal habits and little girls? Pervert..

Why are you running away from the question? It's pretty clear - either you support the referee intrusion on what should be a private matter, or you don't. Which is it?

There seems to be a strain running through this forum of posters who realize they are losing the argument so they then make up disgusting stories about others. For the good of the Universe, I hope they are all the same person posting under different accounts.
Why are you running away from the question? It's pretty clear - either you support the referee intrusion on what should be a private matter, or you don't. Which is it?

There seems to be a strain running through this forum of posters who realize they are losing the argument so they then make up disgusting stories about others. For the good of the Universe, I hope they are all the same person posting under different accounts.
The only opinion I have is that you are sick in the head. Wanting to know if some guys drop their pants or use their fly at a urinal is disturbing. Maybe you should just come clean about your hidden feelings, embrace them. As for your fetish with little girls? Thats something that the PoPo should look're a disturbing guy. Get help E..