Why would you encourage another alias poster to continue this issue, by asking an almost self-evident question about Donald Trump's cheapness and penchance for stealing? Unless you were simply jumping from one account to the other to generate further ridicule of Trump?Does " President " Trump What ?
But ok.
CHEAP: Historically documented civil suits by and against him in the thousands, by contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers, architects, engineers, general contractors, et. al., for not paying contractually agreed upon goods and/or services when he was still in the business of building real estate and having then-accepted lines of credit for large bank loans from western banks in the US and Western Europe.
Gaudy gold faux interior design and furniture to present the illusion of a gold standard to his personal living spaces, most of which is heavily leveraged and for the past decade or more, only Russian and Russian compatriot financial interests (oligarchs) are his family businesses' credit line sources. [As admitted by Eric Trump].
STEAL: American tax dollars in exorbitant costs crushing the normal Secret Service budget by flying to campaign rallies and making trips within the US only to states he carried in the electoral college. Unless enough political pressure forces him to go to places he'd not ever go to otherwise, then when there, throw towels at people vetted by his crony staff to ensure no one will break into a protest in his presence.
Emoluments Clause. Not placing his businesses into a blind trust and not at least pretending (like LBJ) to have no relationship to the businesses he is continuing to manage.
Profiting from his golf course and hotel businesses with extensive foreign nationals paying him via these businesses, for access and favored personal business relationships.
Enough. Let's let a stalwart lifelong, conservative Republican crime investigator and career prosecutor complete his work to see just what level of cheating and stealing Trump's committing, as well as actively obstructing justice in that investigation.