Not likely. I decided after giving myself a concussion at Mammoth (strayed off into the still-frozen spring snow on the side of Face of 3, thinking it was soft but heavy like the beat-up sugar snow down the middle - the snow/ice disagreed) that I can no longer safely ski the slopes and trails I like, and I am bored with the trails where I feel safe. It's not worth the effort and money just to feel depressed. My next-younger brother, who turned 68 this year, taunts me with pictures of his skiing adventures all over Alaska (where he lives) and the Rockies. For a time, with 2 kids at Davis and just having turned 65 so season tickets were suddenly really cheap, I had passes to 4 area (Mammoth, June, Snow Summit, & Bear Mt - which are all one company now so one pass suffices for all), and I had a mission to ski as many Northern Cal areas as I could. Some of those give discounts for holders of other area passes, and most have special deals worth taking advantage - Senior Wednesday, or Buddy Discounts, etc. I check in to the Mammoth webcams every day, and I talk skiing with one of my new neighbors hoping he will suggest a day at Big Bear (and I don't mock him for his H2).