Do Legends become Legends....? I tried Mr Buck, but very physical teams let me tell you. Better bring it against any of their 500 teams.
I wouldn't blame one Rebel team or player for all of ECNL teams behavior either but this has to stop now or else!!!!!
Soccer is physical but not hockey fights between players. Having parents going WWE on the ground in front of their DDs and in front of the goal of all places is insane. For goodness sakes parents, get a hold of yourselves for the sake of the kiddos. Is all this taking place is San Diego too? OC Parents, whatever league or team you represent, please keep it real on the sidelines. I'm only working on not yelling at the refs this year. I'm trying hard and my wife see's major improvements

I never tell my kid what to do or yell at other players to run faster. Just sitting in a chair watching and cheering on our team to WIN!!!!!