@met61 So you were not there? How dare you. You must be wrong. I am sure it is all SDSC’s fault and the Rebels were just having each other’s back.Not to throw gas on the fire but heard from a relative who was present that there was a parents fight yesterday in San Diego at a G2003 game SDSC vs. Rebels... definitely shoving, not sure if actual blows were thrown, a gut-wrenching scene of a player screaming angrily and crying from the field at her father to stop fighting....Anyone else witness or hear of it?
This stuff is becoming too common...not good.
As I said it all starts at the top. DOCs that allow this behavior to go unchecked will continue to have parents and players act like thugs. I sincerely hope no one is ever seriously injured by thuggery (if you can call a kick in the face and the resulting broken nose not serious). Pathetic!