Multi Sport
I had no idea that they had a national day for you... National no pants day. Goes well with your urinal fascination.As I said -- too dim.
I had no idea that they had a national day for you... National no pants day. Goes well with your urinal fascination.As I said -- too dim.
Funny how the narrative involving Musk and Tesla has changed now that he will champion the reinstatement to Twitter of the donald. His admirers are simple giddy, trump is to the nutters like the Beatles were to * prepubescent girls.
What is your obsession with putting down women? Oh..I forgot. You're a sexist.Funny how the narrative involving Musk and Tesla has changed now that he will champion the reinstatement to Twitter of the donald. His admirers are simple giddy, trump is to the nutters like the Beatles were to prepubescent girls.
And? I thought you didn't give a shit about Twitter?
And? I thought you didn't give a shit about Twitter?
What losses? Again...You're clueless.I thought you might find the news encouraging since you can now get into the Tesla with Elon on the cheap with the cash you got from trimming your crypto losses.
I don't understand how a person can be as absolutely clueless as you are... but I'm enjoying the show.
Again, as E has said often, no one is laughing at you. Please continue.I don't understand how a person can be as absolutely clueless as you are... but I'm enjoying the show.
Please continue...