oh canada
you're showing your age...that's old school thought...cable vs. Netflix...MSFT vs. Google...truth is nowadays with social media, soccer camps, leagues with well attended showcases, improved smaller clubs, and the forthcoming resurgence of HS soccer, there are many more pathways to the next level. The influx of international players in the men's and women's college game is a perfect example of coaches finding players beyond the "rusty copper pipes".but the best thing you can do is find one of the “queen maker” coaches who can help deliver the best opportunity for her,
The "queen maker" coaches no longer have the power and exclusivity that they had 10-15 years ago, though in their minds I'm sure they still think they do. Especially if they are a pompous ass--and there are many--there is no longer a legitimate reason to figuratively curtsy or bow to these coaches. Unfortunately, many risk averse parents still do, and their player suffers in the long run because of it.