Dear Michelle Romero...

While I have not worked with her on this tournament, I have worked with Michelle going back to her CSL Cal Cup days, and she was always among the best and nicest to work with in Soccer/Tournament admin. There are some bad actors and frauds in soccer, but you are barking up the wrong tree by focusing on her. Thoughtful, constructive criticism is entirely justified when it comes to team selection and bracket placement for most tournaments, but turning this into some conspiracy of one person is foolish (unless you are talking about the Vegas Players Cup during its heyday).

Though I am not a huge fan of Norco as a location, we all should support soccer facility investment in SoCal. I wish everyone who complains about the smell/food at Oceanside, the traffic around or number of clubs using the OC great park, the heat at Silverlakes, or parking fees in general, be given the option to return to Lancaster for all their games, or play them on some un-tended middle school field.
I mean grabbing a great Bloody Mary at the field house after a morning game at SilverLakes is just awful. I hope I never have to do that again. The fields are terrible too. With all their flatness and grass.... Ugh, yuck. San Bernardino is seriously a million times better. Michelle Romero is also mean to dogs and old people too. There's a 150+ awesome clubs no one has ever heard in CSL that I'm sure could use some players. The stellar fields of El Monte and East LA are primed for some high level competition. May even get that cool breeze from the San Gabrielle river bed. Carful though cause I heard once the sun goes down Michelle is out there mugging people for their lunch money.
Look how far youth soccer has come... Oh, and one of the first lessons you learn in life is nobody is perfect. The best advise I ever got was from this group... I don’t care how good your kid is, own your own development. Don’t rely on a magic coach, or DA. Keep grinding and working and the opportunities will find you.
Here’s what I know, or should I say this is how I feel. I hate Surf Cup. I hate Man City Cup. As a parent of a child in the DA I feel like us parents (meaning me) have already put in my time driving, money, and hotels in San Diego in years past. I mean I feel like this is a step backwards. My son has worked extremely hard to get in the DA league and to get away from tournament style of play. But Surf keeps bringing us back with their new DA allowed rules. I can’t excape San Deigo. My son is older now but I’ve spent so many trips to these tournaments in the past years it’s crazy. So much money I’ve thrown around down there.. and it’s not like it’s Las Vegas or something. If it was Vegas I wouldn’t be pissed, but all the money for another soccer tournament in San Deigo. I’m burnt out. Now I know people are gonna talk about “well it’s the competition you go for, it’s the college scouts or US scouts...”. Guess what, bullshit!! A scout will find you more so in the DA league. And as for the competition.. Guess what, Bullshit!! It’s all the same fucking teams we play in our league anyway except for maybe a few out of state or out of the country teams who don’t turn out being that good anyway. Dude I’m done. It’s exhausting. It’s a money pit for parents. The winners of the tournament may not be a Surf soccer team; but the Surf club and San Deigo and all their affiliates win in the end. That’s my two cents.
Given the limited real estate available in SoCal, we are lucky to have fields in oceanside and Silver Lakes. Those $10 per parking is not bad given that they need to make money to cover the cost and make a profit. To be honest, the same people that complain about the $10 are the same that stop by Starbucks and spend $5 to $7 for a cup of coffee. Besides, I will take silverlakes over San bernandino, Lancaster, Galway downs, and that field far away from the freeway in Escondido
I think Dr Hurtz is complaining about the tournament culture in general. Nothing but a money maker for clubs. And probably not healthy for players to be playing 3-6 games over a 30-50 hour time period.
I think Dr Hurtz is complaining about the tournament culture in general. Nothing but a money maker for clubs. And probably not healthy for players to be playing 3-6 games over a 30-50 hour time period.

Yes, I believe kids are banned from playing more than one game a day in other nations, it's kinda strange to push our kids into three or four games over a weekend, can't imagine the pro's accepting it!
You used your influence to turn the Man City tournament into a tournament that favors clubs that support your own personal financial success at the expense of good soccer and fair play. Anything now related to Surf Cup is just another way for you to make more money and gain more influence in a corrupt soccer culture that you helped create.

If you were in the movie business, you’d be Harvey Weinstein. If you were a politician, you’d be Kim Jong Un.

You operate in the shadows. DOCs wait on your phone calls because their season depends on your call. You are nothing more than a scheduler who found a way to make bucketloads of cash by exposing a gap in the soccer system in Southern California. Where US soccer could not impose rules or take ownership, like a cockroach you crept in a found a way to exploit the system and hide behind popular names like the SCDSL, demanding high fees from clubs just to schedule games at mainly crappy locations at the worst times of day. You even managed to get the worst referees and make the parents pay for them, but of course you just followed another popular model. And oh yeah, are you behind the Discovery League? DOCs speak confidently of how their higher level teams will play EVERY WEEKEND in the fall at NORCO, for $10 a day for parking, at the hottest fields in southern California, driving at least another 20-40 miles each way. How much of that $10 that all of us parents paid for parking lines your pockets? How many kids will be over playing soccer after week 6 of the Discover League, when the parents are done spending their entire day in traffic, to the armpit of this planet, to play one normal season game?

As for Man City, you ruined it. Look at some of the scorelines and clubs attending. YOU ALLOWED THE LOWEST RANKING DA TEAMS to play against the best. LAFC and Man City shouldn’t be scoring 9 goals at a tournament of this caliber. How can you call this tournament credible? How much did these DA teams from outside southern California pay you, or even the local teams WHO HAVE NOT SHOWN UP THIS YEAR IN THE STANDINGS when you had teams close by, ranked high in the standings, that you flat out denied for no reason? There were teams that deserved to be there, signed up on time, and you FLAT OUT DENIED THEM ENTRY because of your own personal feelings about certain organizations. This is the very definition of corruption.

I just want to ask. Are you able to sleep at night in beds made of piles of $? Is it a little lumpy?

Wow! Sounds like you need a few years of therapy. I’m not defending the scumbag your addressing. You’re just a scumbag without the power.
@coachsamy, I don’t know who you are the coach of, but your criticism of any “rant” is accusing those of what you are guilty of. Anytime someone says something, you always side with the person with the most power and influence and make someone feel bad for speaking up about something they’ve experienced. That is not a rant, that is criticism. You try to silence people on this forum by making what they say unimportant because you somehow own the moral high ground on what is right and wrong? If you are a coach, do you throw your players under the bus too when they don’t listen to your BS? Coaches and clubs hold power over kids, that needs to be kept in check. Look at yourself in the mirror.
Big difference between criticism and a rant. You name calling and insulting refs, people who live in And around Norco is a rant not criticism. Stop being a douche and get your head out of your ass .. notice how I went from feedback to insulting?
Not compared to Oceanside or the Polo fields. Norco is almost always at least 15 degrees hotter than field close to the coast.
If you will whine about the weather you should stay indoors and play checkers or with little stuffed animals
Here’s what I know, or should I say this is how I feel...........I’m burnt out. Now I know people are gonna talk about “well it’s the competition you go for, it’s the college scouts or US scouts...”. Guess what, bullshit!! ..........And as for the competition.. Guess what, Bullshit!! It’s all the same fucking teams we play in our league anyway except for maybe a few out of state or out of the country teams who don’t turn out being that good anyway. Dude I’m done. It’s exhausting. It’s a money pit for parents...........That’s my two cents.

Dr Dick Hurtz(ing), I've shared your pain over the years too.

USSFDA has a rule that says not only one game a day but also limit consecutive days to two days. so a weekend tournament/showcase really is 5 days, or essentially a week from lodging perspectivce-WTF!

Oh, did I forget to mention that the kids miss school if its during the school year. I know there's a nice little letter from USSFDA letterhead signed by the club asking schools to excuse the student for participating - BFD.

Just thought to help you describe how much bending over is required in addition to your rant...
No opinion one way or the other about MR as a person. What I would suggest is that SCDSL has not made the improvements we might have expected in the last few years. Whilst some clubs are culpable of not having their fields in order, many did and had to suffer the same consequences of waiting forever for their schedule. The communications from the league are often unprofessional and extremely patronizing, which can't be anything other than a reflection of the management. Whilst there's obviously a current ability to diversify roles between Leagues and Tournaments, it would be nice if the SCDSL took first priority because I can see that league disappearing real quick if there's another season or two of the current service.
You used your influence to turn the Man City tournament into a tournament that favors clubs that support your own personal financial success at the expense of good soccer and fair play. Anything now related to Surf Cup is just another way for you to make more money and gain more influence in a corrupt soccer culture that you helped create.

If you were in the movie business, you’d be Harvey Weinstein. If you were a politician, you’d be Kim Jong Un.

You operate in the shadows. DOCs wait on your phone calls because their season depends on your call. You are nothing more than a scheduler who found a way to make bucketloads of cash by exposing a gap in the soccer system in Southern California. Where US soccer could not impose rules or take ownership, like a cockroach you crept in a found a way to exploit the system and hide behind popular names like the SCDSL, demanding high fees from clubs just to schedule games at mainly crappy locations at the worst times of day. You even managed to get the worst referees and make the parents pay for them, but of course you just followed another popular model. And oh yeah, are you behind the Discovery League? DOCs speak confidently of how their higher level teams will play EVERY WEEKEND in the fall at NORCO, for $10 a day for parking, at the hottest fields in southern California, driving at least another 20-40 miles each way. How much of that $10 that all of us parents paid for parking lines your pockets? How many kids will be over playing soccer after week 6 of the Discover League, when the parents are done spending their entire day in traffic, to the armpit of this planet, to play one normal season game?

As for Man City, you ruined it. Look at some of the scorelines and clubs attending. YOU ALLOWED THE LOWEST RANKING DA TEAMS to play against the best. LAFC and Man City shouldn’t be scoring 9 goals at a tournament of this caliber. How can you call this tournament credible? How much did these DA teams from outside southern California pay you, or even the local teams WHO HAVE NOT SHOWN UP THIS YEAR IN THE STANDINGS when you had teams close by, ranked high in the standings, that you flat out denied for no reason? There were teams that deserved to be there, signed up on time, and you FLAT OUT DENIED THEM ENTRY because of your own personal feelings about certain organizations. This is the very definition of corruption.

I just want to ask. Are you able to sleep at night in beds made of piles of $? Is it a little lumpy?

This is the worst thread I've ever read on this site, and that's saying something. I know who you are, justified, and this defamation doesn't go well with your public persona. You created a brand new account to lob your bombs, and your criticisms are anything but "justified".
This is the worst thread I've ever read on this site, and that's saying something. I know who you are, justified, and this defamation doesn't go well with your public persona. You created a brand new account to lob your bombs, and your criticisms are anything but "justified".

This is the worst you've ever read? Did you just learn to read recently? And people on the next thread wonder why we have brawls on the soccer fields. Drama mamas get all "offended" over nothing and one thing leads to another...