Dear Michelle Romero...

Quite a deep post there @justified ...

You created your account on Monday, come swinging for the fences and then come calling out people. I don't know who you are and what almighty club you represent that you are bashing SCS based on what I'll assume that your kid's team didn't get accepted into Man City Cup.

I don't own any moral grounds nor I'm sitting on a high horse (Well Maybe). I haven't coach for years now nor care to go back. I don't throw kids under the bus as that is counterproductive to their learning experience nor its part of my leadership and accountability skills acquired during my former full time career. So I'm missing your point about coaches and clubs being kept in check as part of your issue.

Lastly regardless of whether is a rant, criticism or simply a temper tantrum, your post along with the other 2 are simply STUPID! Do you want to be taken seriously, use your real handle!
Case in point. After all, the post is just stupid, right? If it was a better post, a more pointed criticism, a little more to what you believe to be correct in your own experience, it would be a good post and you would give it a thumbs up. Let me begin this again. Michelle Romero in her good graces created a league where all kids can play soccer in a safe environment that suits their level. It truly is the SCDSL because all kids are developing. She was kind to all DOCs and made the sport about the kids. She never tried to make an extra dime for all of her hard work in scheduling games. She always was diligent in returning phone calls and did what was best for US Soccer.

Bro, you're kidding yourself and your rant is the weakest thing I've ever seen. What the hell are you talking about "my handle?" Everyone is anonymous here. You accuse me of what you are guilty of, and you do it all the time. You accuse me of swinging for the fences. I should wait a week before I call you out old fart? As I said, look back to your past posts on other threads, you always follow the same theme. If someone has a legitimate criticism of a system, say Cal South, or a club, you side with the club or in this case you side with a corrupt tournament director for what reason? Above you ask why a team would boycott a tournament because it hurts the kids in the end. DUDE? Wake up. You don't do these tournaments when from the core they are corrupt and a joke. The cost to parents and families is huge. Michelle Romero and surf turned the DA bracket in a mockery by bringing in the very most known and the most unknown, for purely political reasons. Yet you don't consider that, you look at what would normally be the best course action, not what is actually happening.

You compare my post to someone else who has legitimate concerns about coaches. If someone has a concern, they have experienced it. You blow that off because they are speaking emotionally. Bro, like I said, the world has changed since you got your first hot rod. This thread was created because people involved in club soccer in Southern California do not have the best interests of the kids at heart. If US Soccer is going to change, that has to change. Everyone who deals with corrupt officials like Michelle Romero know what she is, but they have to follow along if they want their teams to play in club leagues. If you have something valid to say on this point, then say it. If not, go back to the 1950s.
I got about seven lines in and realized what a waste of time it is listening to caustic hating lunatics
I bet the op is fun at parties.....
Ok thanks. Next time I'll definitely be more positive. Actually, what I mean to say is, if you want to listen to some feelgood stories, go watch Fox News. You obviously have no clue what's going on around you. You didn't like the storyline, then why engage in conversation? You saw the criticisms that other people you like on this forum say something and you jumped on board. Bahhh, bahhh. Oh, that's a sheep, btw.
Maybe a little bit too much of a rant over a tournament. T here are plenty of other tournaments around to play in this weekend.
But - The OP is a bit on the right track when ranting about certain people or clubs having way too much influence over things around here.
There should be some independence on the SCDSL board and not have everything run and decided by the "Five Families" (or were there 8?. Trying to make a mafia reference here, but I'm not good at numbers).
Case in point. After all, the post is just stupid, right? If it was a better post, a more pointed criticism, a little more to what you believe to be correct in your own experience, it would be a good post and you would give it a thumbs up. Let me begin this again. Michelle Romero in her good graces created a league where all kids can play soccer in a safe environment that suits their level. It truly is the SCDSL because all kids are developing. She was kind to all DOCs and made the sport about the kids. She never tried to make an extra dime for all of her hard work in scheduling games. She always was diligent in returning phone calls and did what was best for US Soccer.

Bro, you're kidding yourself and your rant is the weakest thing I've ever seen. What the hell are you talking about "my handle?" Everyone is anonymous here. You accuse me of what you are guilty of, and you do it all the time. You accuse me of swinging for the fences. I should wait a week before I call you out old fart? As I said, look back to your past posts on other threads, you always follow the same theme. If someone has a legitimate criticism of a system, say Cal South, or a club, you side with the club or in this case you side with a corrupt tournament director for what reason? Above you ask why a team would boycott a tournament because it hurts the kids in the end. DUDE? Wake up. You don't do these tournaments when from the core they are corrupt and a joke. The cost to parents and families is huge. Michelle Romero and surf turned the DA bracket in a mockery by bringing in the very most known and the most unknown, for purely political reasons. Yet you don't consider that, you look at what would normally be the best course action, not what is actually happening.

You compare my post to someone else who has legitimate concerns about coaches. If someone has a concern, they have experienced it. You blow that off because they are speaking emotionally. Bro, like I said, the world has changed since you got your first hot rod. This thread was created because people involved in club soccer in Southern California do not have the best interests of the kids at heart. If US Soccer is going to change, that has to change. Everyone who deals with corrupt officials like Michelle Romero know what she is, but they have to follow along if they want their teams to play in club leagues. If you have something valid to say on this point, then say it. If not, go back to the 1950s.
Lets tackle this bull by the horn. Answer some questions and hopefully it clear out some of this smoke of bullshit that you have thrown...

Which club are you in?

How does SCS scheduling of games affect you so much?

Its MR a good person or a bad person? Which one is it?

State the real reason why you are beefing with MR. What did she do to you?

Now a little piece of advice, you don't agree with a tournament, don't go to it. Don't like the dynamics of your child's team go somewhere else. Don't agree with CalSouth environment, go AYSO or have your kid do another sport.

P.S. You are bad at guessing people's age!!!
You used your influence to turn the Man City tournament into a tournament that favors clubs that support your own personal financial success at the expense of good soccer and fair play. Anything now related to Surf Cup is just another way for you to make more money and gain more influence in a corrupt soccer culture that you helped create.......I just want to ask. Are you able to sleep at night in beds made of piles of $? Is it a little lumpy?

Don’t hate the players. Hate the game.

Big clubs need to financially support the DA/ECNL boondoggle. Big regional and national tournaments help them do this. Sometimes we travel to play crappy non-Cal South DA/ECNL teams. Sometimes they travel to play us. This is simply what a closed system of regional and national play produces.

Is it fair? No. Does it waste the time and money of club soccer families in Southern California? Yes. Is it a sign that the travel industry is taking over youth sports? Maybe.

Lots of soccer organizations use SilverLakes. There will be no shortage of non-Legends clubs hosting tournaments during the hottest days of summer before the Discovery League starts in the fall. This is not a fair complaint.

Most importantly, there is no way that these clubs are letting MR pad her mattress with cash. They are keeping it for themselves. All a parent can hope for is that some of this money will makes it onto the field to provide a better experience for ALL youth players.
I know this is kind a off the mud slinging theme but when did MR start working for Surf Sports?

I recall she was working for DE at Strikers, also doing SCDSL league schedule, then just SCDSL schedule but now Surf???

Did OP just pick on her just because or personal ax to grind? I cannot tell if the OP is upset because his team was not included or did not get the chance to play against MC or LAFC?

Since the nature, the theme and the tone of complaint is very different than DP's, I very much doubt that its DP or 26. But it is most likely one of the regulars with a new screen name.

I thought it was going to be Triple Crown related with the name like Justified.....
I know this is kind a off the mud slinging theme but when did MR start working for Surf Sports?

I recall she was working for DE at Strikers, also doing SCDSL league schedule, then just SCDSL schedule but now Surf???

Did OP just pick on her just because or personal ax to grind? I cannot tell if the OP is upset because his team was not included or did not get the chance to play against MC or LAFC?

Since the nature, the theme and the tone of complaint is very different than DP's, I very much doubt that its DP or 26. But it is most likely one of the regulars with a new screen name.

I thought it was going to be Triple Crown related with the name like Justified.....
Think she started about 2 years ago.
Not sure why you are bashing silver lakes. I like those fields especially since I live 12 miles away. Yeah, it's hot in the summer but hey, that's southern california for you anywhere. I hate the $10 parking but that seems to be normal at the big fields nowadays except for my favorite Great Orange Park fields where parking is freeeeeee. Now, the only corruption I've heard from players on my daughters team is that some Legends teams are denied outright from Surf tournaments just based on the fact that they are "Legends". Ranking wise, they are pretty high so not sure why they would get denied. I would hope though, that the integrity of Surf Tournaments puts aside such differences to get the highest quality teams applying. I would hope that when we play in the Surf tournaments that we play the "best of the best" and not "b" teams because Surf is denying the "A" teams.
What if the OP is actually Michelle Romero, and this whole post is just a false flag using an obviously extreme and over-generalized ad-hominem attack on herself in order to get users on SoCal Soccer to defend her and ignore the REAL conspiracy between SCDSL and local clubs who are secretly spraying the fields in Oceanside and Silverlakes with mind-control chemicals that make the players and parents continue to pour millions of dollars into club soccer even though there is literally no chance that any of their children will ever make a dime as a professional athlete?
You used your influence to turn the Man City tournament into a tournament that favors clubs that support your own personal financial success at the expense of good soccer and fair play. Anything now related to Surf Cup is just another way for you to make more money and gain more influence in a corrupt soccer culture that you helped create.

If you were in the movie business, you’d be Harvey Weinstein. If you were a politician, you’d be Kim Jong Un.

You operate in the shadows. DOCs wait on your phone calls because their season depends on your call. You are nothing more than a scheduler who found a way to make bucketloads of cash by exposing a gap in the soccer system in Southern California. Where US soccer could not impose rules or take ownership, like a cockroach you crept in a found a way to exploit the system and hide behind popular names like the SCDSL, demanding high fees from clubs just to schedule games at mainly crappy locations at the worst times of day. You even managed to get the worst referees and make the parents pay for them, but of course you just followed another popular model. And oh yeah, are you behind the Discovery League? DOCs speak confidently of how their higher level teams will play EVERY WEEKEND in the fall at NORCO, for $10 a day for parking, at the hottest fields in southern California, driving at least another 20-40 miles each way. How much of that $10 that all of us parents paid for parking lines your pockets? How many kids will be over playing soccer after week 6 of the Discover League, when the parents are done spending their entire day in traffic, to the armpit of this planet, to play one normal season game?

As for Man City, you ruined it. Look at some of the scorelines and clubs attending. YOU ALLOWED THE LOWEST RANKING DA TEAMS to play against the best. LAFC and Man City shouldn’t be scoring 9 goals at a tournament of this caliber. How can you call this tournament credible? How much did these DA teams from outside southern California pay you, or even the local teams WHO HAVE NOT SHOWN UP THIS YEAR IN THE STANDINGS when you had teams close by, ranked high in the standings, that you flat out denied for no reason? There were teams that deserved to be there, signed up on time, and you FLAT OUT DENIED THEM ENTRY because of your own personal feelings about certain organizations. This is the very definition of corruption.

I just want to ask. Are you able to sleep at night in beds made of piles of $? Is it a little lumpy?

No way this Michelle person would be Kim Jong Un. She seems like a straight up capitalist to me.

If you’re worried about the quality of soccer at Man City, you need to head over to National Cup and check out that Brazilian FCGS team. I hear they’re really something - although Michelle is probably getting a cut of that bribe money too.
Not sure why you are bashing silver lakes. I like those fields especially since I live 12 miles away. Yeah, it's hot in the summer but hey, that's southern california for you anywhere.
Not compared to Oceanside or the Polo fields. Norco is almost always at least 15 degrees hotter than field close to the coast.
As for Silverlakes, the facility continues to improve. Normal bathrooms, not port a potties. Restaurant is built. Last weekend the bleachers were going up with the nicer fold up seats i assume for championship games.
Has Oside built bathrooms yet? Its been awhile since we've played there.
As for Silverlakes, the facility continues to improve. Normal bathrooms, not port a potties. Restaurant is built. Last weekend the bleachers were going up with the nicer fold up seats i assume for championship games.
Has Oside built bathrooms yet? Its been awhile since we've played there.
Last time I looked Oside was $12 to park in the dirt you had to wait in line for port o potties and the food is non existent without leaving the complex and driving 20 minutes away
I hear Albion did not apply to Man City. Zero zip zilch nada. They do have teams that have applied to Surf Cup.

My guess this is a LAUFA parent. Only club that did not get into the DA bracket at Man City at 06 and 04. Except for Murrieta Surf at 06. But LAUFA's 05's got in. All 12 that applied in 05 got in.

And I think O Side is $12 for Cal South events as Cal South makes the venue kick back $2 extra dollars.

Parking at Silverlakes goes to Silverlakes and only Silverlakes. But was their fee $12 for Cal South events? Or did they give the kick back out of their $10, gracious thing to do if they did.

Oh and BTW MR didn't found SCDSL, the clubs did. Dave Lamb ran the league the first year. MR took over the second. She worked with Dave the first year. She had to leave CSL when Strikers left CSL.
You used your influence to turn the Man City tournament into a tournament that favors clubs that support your own personal financial success at the expense of good soccer and fair play. Anything now related to Surf Cup is just another way for you to make more money and gain more influence in a corrupt soccer culture that you helped create.

If you were in the movie business, you’d be Harvey Weinstein. If you were a politician, you’d be Kim Jong Un.

You operate in the shadows. DOCs wait on your phone calls because their season depends on your call. You are nothing more than a scheduler who found a way to make bucketloads of cash by exposing a gap in the soccer system in Southern California. Where US soccer could not impose rules or take ownership, like a cockroach you crept in a found a way to exploit the system and hide behind popular names like the SCDSL, demanding high fees from clubs just to schedule games at mainly crappy locations at the worst times of day. You even managed to get the worst referees and make the parents pay for them, but of course you just followed another popular model. And oh yeah, are you behind the Discovery League? DOCs speak confidently of how their higher level teams will play EVERY WEEKEND in the fall at NORCO, for $10 a day for parking, at the hottest fields in southern California, driving at least another 20-40 miles each way. How much of that $10 that all of us parents paid for parking lines your pockets? How many kids will be over playing soccer after week 6 of the Discover League, when the parents are done spending their entire day in traffic, to the armpit of this planet, to play one normal season game?

As for Man City, you ruined it. Look at some of the scorelines and clubs attending. YOU ALLOWED THE LOWEST RANKING DA TEAMS to play against the best. LAFC and Man City shouldn’t be scoring 9 goals at a tournament of this caliber. How can you call this tournament credible? How much did these DA teams from outside southern California pay you, or even the local teams WHO HAVE NOT SHOWN UP THIS YEAR IN THE STANDINGS when you had teams close by, ranked high in the standings, that you flat out denied for no reason? There were teams that deserved to be there, signed up on time, and you FLAT OUT DENIED THEM ENTRY because of your own personal feelings about certain organizations. This is the very definition of corruption.

I just want to ask. Are you able to sleep at night in beds made of piles of $? Is it a little lumpy?

A cockroach is someone who comes on a blog to Personally Attack someone and post garbage like this. I noticed you did not have your name attached or signed at the bottom so maybe troll may be a more appropriate term. As I'm sure you don't know so I'll educate you that the discovery league was passed by an overwhelming majority of all DOCs who get a vote in SCDSL Michelle as a board member had no vote not was ot her design to begin with. The location of Norco was also something agreed upon by the majority of DOCs. And again your misinformed on that as well. It's not there EVERY WEEKEND . Had you been in the room you would've known that there will be games played in northern San Diego for two coming out of those areas. As for Manchester Cup it's real simple if you don't like it don't play in it, which shouldn't be a big deal since it's so crappy. So if you or another team didn't get it why should you care. If club soccer in Southern California is so corrupt then don't opt to put your child in it. Again real simple. As for her creating this corrupt soccer culture again your wrong and clearly not to savvy on business or economics, otherwise you'd know the consumer drives everything. Really just a stupid post. I'm now dumber for having read responded to it.
A quick read of the way this thread has gone would suggest it is a topic of national (even international) importance. Is it about Trump? Brexit? The Paris Climate Agreement? The Panmumjeon Declaration?

Nope. This is youth soccer. Come on guys, we're all adults. Let's try and stick to doing (and saying) things that will actually help the young players we all represent and serve.

Some of the threads on this forum are really insightful and beneficial; some just make you shake your head in disbelief then cringe at the realization of why youth soccer is perhaps not in as good a state as it could and should be. We're all responsible for that; the kids certainly aren't.
Not being a SCDSL team we haven’t had a lot of exposure to MR, however she has always been pleasant in all our dealings with her for Surf. Whether we were accepted or not.
A cockroach is someone who comes on a blog to Personally Attack someone and post garbage like this. I noticed you did not have your name attached or signed at the bottom so maybe troll may be a more appropriate term. As I'm sure you don't know so I'll educate you that the discovery league was passed by an overwhelming majority of all DOCs who get a vote in SCDSL Michelle as a board member had no vote not was ot her design to begin with. The location of Norco was also something agreed upon by the majority of DOCs. And again your misinformed on that as well. It's not there EVERY WEEKEND . Had you been in the room you would've known that there will be games played in northern San Diego for two coming out of those areas. As for Manchester Cup it's real simple if you don't like it don't play in it, which shouldn't be a big deal since it's so crappy. So if you or another team didn't get it why should you care. If club soccer in Southern California is so corrupt then don't opt to put your child in it. Again real simple. As for her creating this corrupt soccer culture again your wrong and clearly not to savvy on business or economics, otherwise you'd know the consumer drives everything. Really just a stupid post. I'm now dumber for having read responded to it.

Spot on except for one point. MR is not a board member. Just an employee. So no vote on anything that is implemented by the board or the technical committee.