College Entrance Scam includes former Yale Women's Soccer Coach

It is interesting that in this case the kids were well qualified, excelled in the sport and had the grades and scores apparently.
I don’t see a problem with:

1) someone making a donation and saying “btw, my son is applying to your school”. And he gets in. At least students at the school can reap the benefits of the donation in some way. The school realizes that if they accept the kid that more donations could be coming their way in the future.

I do have a problem with:

1) “ hey here’s some money how can we get my kid into your school”. The money changes hands with an Individual person.

Ebay (aka - Buford T. Justice), what you’re really saying is.....

I don’t see a problem with:

1) someone making a donation and saying “btw, my son is applying to your school”. And he gets in. At least students at the school can reap the benefits of the donation in some way. The school realizes that if they accept the kid that more donations could be coming their way in the future.

I do have a problem with:

1) “ hey here’s some money how can we get my kid into your school”. The money changes hands with an Individual person.
You must work for the Clinton foundation.
I don’t see a problem with:

1) someone making a donation and saying “btw, my son is applying to your school”. And he gets in. At least students at the school can reap the benefits of the donation in some way. The school realizes that if they accept the kid that more donations could be coming their way in the future.

I do have a problem with:

1) “ hey here’s some money how can we get my kid into your school”. The money changes hands with an Individual person.

Which one would piss you off more if your kid didn’t get in?
About 10 years ago, USC announced that they have an endowment for the women's soccer head coach. that endowment was made under the name of Ali\s father. Smelled fishy then, stinks now. USC needs to coem clean where that maoney actually came from. I have no doubt from \singer.
This is the link to the article about the USC soccer coach position endowment


AUGUST 31, 2011

In 2011, USC Athletics received a generous commitment from members of the Trojan Family to establish the Mehdi Khosroshahin Head Soccer Coach Endowment. Much like endowed professorships in academic departments, when fully funded, this endowment will provide for the salary of USC's Head Soccer Coach in perpetuity."

USC needs to be transparent about the nature of this 'lead gift'.

If it's anything like Yale's, "lead gift" = Singer. if it's Singer, really sad that Ali had to drag his pld man;s name into all this
I doubt it has an atttaychment to the singer thing but god does it make him look that much more like a dickhead. Had no idea he came from that kind of money. Just thought he was a middling soccer coach. What an ass
An Associate Professor of Dentitstry at USC took 100k out of his house in a refi and gave it to the Associate AD so that his kid could be admitted through the Lacrosse team. That’s crazy, a tenured professor’s kid wasn’t a decent enough applicant to get in fairly! View attachment 4372
Seems the media likes to focus on USC. Georgetown had twelve students involved, not much press on each of those parents, coaches etc. etc. etc. A women in Texas very involved with the cheating/SAT not much mention of her high school where she worked. How many students did she "help"? We aren't hearing much about Cromwell at UCLA. Not hearing much about the parents/student at USD and Wake Forest. How many other schools doing the same thing but not yet caught??
Seems the media likes to focus on USC. Georgetown had twelve students involved, not much press on each of those parents, coaches etc. etc. etc. A women in Texas very involved with the cheating/SAT not much mention of her high school where she worked. How many students did she "help"? We aren't hearing much about Cromwell at UCLA. Not hearing much about the parents/student at USD and Wake Forest. How many other schools doing the same thing but not yet caught??
Right vs Left
Seems the media likes to focus on USC. Georgetown had twelve students involved, not much press on each of those parents, coaches etc. etc. etc. A women in Texas very involved with the cheating/SAT not much mention of her high school where she worked. How many students did she "help"? We aren't hearing much about Cromwell at UCLA. Not hearing much about the parents/student at USD and Wake Forest. How many other schools doing the same thing but not yet caught??
The most prominent parents were those hollywood actresses who cheated their daughters' way into SC. To the media, their name recognition is the hook for the story to have legs.

UCLA doesn't stop at Salcedo. Cromwell is still there probably because the admnistrator above her must have forced her to roster #41. Like SC, Ucla needs a senior administrative official to get involved for these bogus athletes to get through. Stay tuned if the state attorney general gets involved
The Isackson's have plead guilty and cut a deal, putting them in postion to testify against both UCLA and USC. Cromwell's office has not responded to messages from the NYT for comment.

LA Times reporting per the Isackson's agreeement, if they provide "substantial assistance" with the investigation, the prosecutor will ask the judge to sentence to a shorter prison term than what the sentencing guidelines ask for.
The Isackson's have plead guilty and cut a deal, putting them in postion to testify against both UCLA and USC. Cromwell's office has not responded to messages from the NYT for comment.

LA Times reporting per the Isackson's agreeement, if they provide "substantial assistance" with the investigation, the prosecutor will ask the judge to sentence to a shorter prison term than what the sentencing guidelines ask for.
This is interesting.

There isn't much cooperation necessary from these parents against the already named defendants. They have enough on those guys and unlikely anything that could be provided that would qualify as "substantial assistance" that would warrant a reduced sentence.

Where these parents potentially could provide "substantial assistance" would be related to what happened after the admission.

Who did they interact with and send the player profile information to for the website, who told their daughter what to say when asked about why she was listed as a player, etc.

Basically they will want to find out if anyone else at the school was a) involved in the conspiracy and b) took money.
Feds want to fish out everyone. Leading feds looking to add stuff to their resume for when they run for office.

Feds are looking for institutional corruption. Cromwell is most certainly in their crosshairs.

Honestly I’m tired of hearing about this. Instead of filling up our prisons with cheating rich people, let’s make room for all the violent criminals, rapists, robbers, pedophiles and amazon package stealers.