Here is a link to 2016 Cal South State Cup Presidents round of 16 to finals. All of these teams got reconfigured with the age changes so not sure how representative it is.
Thank you for the link. Very interesting. I see that one Coast League (Crown City Academy-So Cal) did well but clearly SCDSL teams are the ones to advance when it counted. As you noted many teams have reconfigured with age changes so I can't see Crown City So Cal advancing that far again. They been doing well this year per their record but what level of competition are they really getting except Eagles? Like many clubs several of their experienced girls have since moved on to their respective age groups. FC Golden State PDA 06 is surprisingly playing Coast also but talented enough to be playing in SCDSL so I was puzzled with that. The disparity in terms of level of play is definitely more visible with the girls side of things. Don't get me wrong there are some very talented girls players in the Coast league from 06's down to 99 but most of these girls will in my opinion eventually find their way over to SCDSL especically as they mature. From what I learned this weekend if they are to really want to engage in higher level play that is more consistent and offers greater opportunity for getting on a college recruiters radar than SCDSL is the place to be. Thank you SCDSL parents who enlightened my wife and I on this. We are happy with our team since we are new to club but we are going to have our daughter put in the work and try to get her on a SCDSL team next spring, that is where the real competition is playing and to be the best you have to play with the best.