The climate effects to worry about are all medium to long term. For example, over the next 80 years, sea levels rise by 1-3 meters. That’s middle of the road. It also means flooding almost all coastal flood plains in the world, such as Bangladesh. ( Rich places, like LA or SD, can decide to build sea walls once it starts. You’ll pay extra taxes and lose your beaches, but the people will be ok. Less true in poor countries. )Well the catastrophic predictors get the biggest megaphone and drive policy. You're a trust the experts guy, and its your science experts that are predicting these catastrophes. So how do you decipher what science to believe? It is a huge credibility issue that is only getting worse. I'm glad you acknowledge that MSM is the least trustworthy source. Curious, where do I find Q reading material, other than reading Crush's posts?
Like I've mentioned before, if middle of road estimates are 900 inches of snow at Alta and Dorado in the kelp beds, I'm all for global warming.
Go to NOAA if you want consensus estimates. MSM is better than fringe media, but it’s still media.
2022 Sea Level Rise Technical Report
This Sea Level Rise Technical Report provides the most up-to-date sea level rise projections available for all U.S. states and territories; decision makers will look to it for information. This multi-agency effort, representing the first update since 2017, offers projections out to the year 2150...
I‘m sure you can find some fringe scientist who issued a fringe prediction ten years ago. Those guys exist, just like Lomberg exists.
But most of the science has always indicated a 50-100 year time scale for anything severe. The early effects were things like Greenland ice cap melting, loss of arctic ice, and coral bleaching. All of those are happening, and can be observed now.