Climate and Weather


Maybe you should read the actual report instead of the lies about it --
Actually, reading not much more than the headline discloses that it is JP Morgan that is the source.
I think the reason Trump does so well with the idiots is that people like Torros don't know what JP Morgan is, i.e. a huge and venerable and VERY CONSERVATIVE financial establishment.
I think the reason Trump does so well with the idiots is that people like Torros don't know what JP Morgan is, i.e. a huge and venerable and VERY CONSERVATIVE financial establishment.
Shure thing Nancy. You guys crack me up. Never any substance, but that's par for the course.
Shure thing Nancy. You guys crack me up. Never any substance, but that's par for the course.
Here's substance for you. Understand this. Donald Trump is the president of Dumbfuckistan and he's always known it. That's why he said "I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and I wouldn't lose any voters." Ya see? He knew that he had taken the toxic, hateful energy of all you idiots and it was more powerful than any law or reasonableness. That's why he said it. And every day when some idiot like you opens your stupid yap to criticize media reporting about what a significant conservative institution says about the planet, he knows how right he is.
Well for starters, that you didn't read the article.

I did. I already knew that there is a polar vortex around the North Pole every winter. It was interesting to read that this year's vortex is unusually strong and persistent.

So what is the point of your posting it?